Index – Economy – Pfizer vaccine protects even after the first vaccination


According to the latest data published by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the coronavirus vaccine, developed jointly by Pfizer in the United States and BioNTech in Germany, provided measurable protection against disease caused by the virus. even after the first vaccination.

This can be of great importance, since we have known until now that this requires at least two vaccines, with a difference of 3-4 weeks between the two.

This would shorten the time needed to achieve protection, which would be of the utmost importance to curb the epidemic. Every day counts as thousands die from the disease around the world every day. Protection was already 52 percent after the first shot and 95 percent after the second. This is a five-star performance! – He responded to the new data with Akiko Iwasaki, an immunologist at Yale University for the New York Times correspondent.

Taking this into account, the other new data are also important, according to which the development of protection was not significantly influenced by the age of those vaccinated, and the incidence of Covid in patients over 65 years of age decreased 10 days after the first vaccination. This exceeds almost all expectations, since many vaccines, such as the flu, tend to be less effective in old age. There are other conditions for authorization and there is a flu vaccine that requires four times the normal amount in old age. An example is Fluzone, manufactured by Sanofi-Pasteur, which is used in the United States, among others. Incidentally, this is not the case with the vaccine used in Hungary, even when administered in the normal dose in the elderly. Another breakthrough in the case is also crucial: Pfizer’s vaccination also provides protection for obese patients who are particularly vulnerable to Covid.

This is a true Grand Slam!

– stated dr. Gregory Poland, chief physician of the Mayo Clinic, is the editor-in-chief of Vaccine, one of the most respected journals in the profession. This is also important to us, as the Pfizer vaccine is one of the vaccines ordered by the European Union, so it will have a good chance of reaching Hungary. I am somewhat delighted, and this is already news from Britain, where mass vaccination has already started, that the British National Health Service (NHS) has issued a warning not to recommend this vaccine to people with severe allergies. The reason for this is that the vaccine is also used in two British health workers. induced an anaphylactic reaction. This was stated by CNS staff Stephen Powis, NHS medical director.

Let’s look at the cases. Both health workers are fine, but until more results are obtained, we only recommend this vaccine within health centers.

– he continued. Pfizer responded to the cases in a press release, assuring the NHS of its support. Incidentally, the manufacturer itself reported slightly more common allergic reactions among those vaccinated in reports submitted to US authorities, with a rate of 0.63 percent, compared with 0.51 percent in the placebo group.

So far, 44,000 patients have received the vaccine and 42,000 have already passed the second dose. Who dares to report that it is safe?

– states in the press release of the manufacturer.

(Cover image: Coronavirus vaccine in London on December 8, 2020. Photo: Victoria Jones / Pool / Reuters)
