Index – Economy – Now there will be no problem, everyone will be notified


According to the Ministry, the new system is also safe, as no one can lose medical care if it is not their own fault. Previously, no organization called those who weren’t eligible for state health insurance, but now the tax office is sending information immediately, and on Oct. 16 it has already begun notifying people in arrears, they wrote.

In addition to the approximately 4.5 million employees, five million people, including retirees, students, pregnant women, the socially disadvantaged and the homeless, are guaranteed free legal health care.

Anyone who does not have a legal job and is not entitled to health care by law must pay a so-called health care contribution every month, allowing him to use the full range of health care services. For this right, the Hungarian state is asking for one of the smallest amounts in the European Union, only HUF 7,710 per month, so that taxpayers can access the health system.

However, since July 1, no one has been able to abandon free medical care through no fault of their own. In the new social security system, as soon as a person’s right to medical care ceases, the National Health Insurance Fund (NEAK) immediately informs the tax authority. Then the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) notifies the person concerned that they can use the free health care service only by paying the health care service contribution.

NAV also informs the recipient of the contribution amount and the consequences of non-payment.

The HUF 7710 health service contribution must be paid before the 12th of each month to the NAV health service contribution collection account, account number 10032000-06055826, tax code 408, which can also be paid by bank transfer, payment by credit card or check, indicating the tax identification number.

If the health contribution debt accumulated after July 1, 2020 exceeds six times the contribution amount (in 2020, this amount is HUF 46,260), the social security identification mark (Taj number) is no longer valid. This means that the health service can no longer be used for free.

The tax office will also help prevent someone from accumulating more than half a year of debt, as they have already started informing clients with health care contribution debts about the amount of their current debt, payment options and facilities. payment available. The letter will be sent to those interested in days, which will be sent electronically through the customer portal, failing which it will be sent to their postal address.

NAV not only informs interested parties about the initiation of the obligation, but also about its termination. For example, if someone has an employment relationship or is entitled to future medical care, the obligation to pay will automatically cease.

By mid-September, more than 67,000 people had been notified by the tax office of the cancellation of the payment obligation, since the data reconciliations between NEAK and NAV revealed, for example, that the person had been legally incorporated or, for For example, for higher education or retirement. the law guarantees free medical care.

It is important that everyone starts with a clean slate, that is, in the new system, only the debt that arose after July 1, 2020 counts. The outstanding debt until June 30, 2020 does not directly affect the use of the benefit , NAV treats it the same way as other tax debts. That is why the tax office has created a new account number, independent of previous debts. The tax office also helps those who mistakenly pay the old account number, so that those involved don’t have to bother to fill out the transfer form. NAV settles your debt as a reference to some 66,000 old account numbers by transferring the erroneous payments. The Office will send information on this decision and the correct account number to all concerned.

If someone is unable to pay HUF 7,710 per month due to their financial and income situation, it is definitely worth starting a social needs assessment with the competent district office in order to use a health service. If the social conditions are met, for example, if the family’s monthly per capita income does not exceed HUF 34,200, the office will issue an official certificate to that effect, which will provide free medical care for one year from the date of issue of the request.

If someone cannot pay the debt on time, they can file a claim for equity with the tax office. In case of payment difficulties, it is definitely worth using this free option, emphasizes the PM.

(Cover image: MTI / Balogh Zoltán)
