Index – Economy – National tobacco shops can be followed by a national vaccine factory


At the end of last year, Oltóanyaggyár Zrt. It was registered with a registered capital of 5 million HUF, a company for which the government intends to play a key role in the production of Hungarian vaccines, Mfor said, and the company was examined in more detail. in the production of vaccines.

According to a government decision in December, the Cabinet

agreed that the University of Debrecen, in cooperation with the National Center for Public Health, should develop a national coronavirus vaccine.

HUF 1.63 billion was then allocated for this purpose at the expense of the 2020 budget, and another HUF 369.9 million was allocated directly to the benefit of the National Center for Public Health under the funding of universities and colleges.

For example, it was found out in the company registration that the company registration is valid from December 15 and the founder is the University of Debrecen. The subscribed capital consists of five ordinary shares with a registered share of 1 million HUF each.

The article also mentions that the main activity of the company is more related to the creation of infrastructure conditions, so it could easily be a project company, although the participants assume the direction of the research, the CEO is Eszter Anna Prépost and the members of the supervisory board are: Szabados Andrea, Edina Kereki and Evelin Takács.

Following the company data, the observer can find Asianet Hungary Kft., Which in 2013

collided with Elios Zrt., who at that time was “working on an intense market acquisition”

Declare the item. They also point out that Edina Kereki owns a company in liquidation – Deszab Trade Kft. -, where one of its owners is Zoltán Böőr, whose date of birth is almost certainly the former soccer player.
