Index – Economy – Most national footballers are in trouble


Soccer players like to invest their money in business, which is understandable, especially towards the end of their careers. They also have the financial means to do so, especially those who have played in prestigious foreign leagues. However, there is no guarantee that the business will be profitable, which is well demonstrated by the compilation of based on company reports.

The businesses in which the footballers of our national team have an economic interest performed quite differently in 2019: there are companies that are on solid footing, making a profit, but there are also those that have had a significant loss or no income. Of the 15 companies surveyed Kft., Belonging to Balázs Dzsudzsák, recorded the largest loss, almost HUF 42 million,

but his other asset management business also closed with a deficit of 12 million, although his third company, which has a profile in human health, made a profit of 11 million.

Multiple companies may have problems

The companies of Roland Juhász, Zoltán Gera, Tamás Priskin posted losses in 2019, Dániel Böde and Sándor Torghelle were profitable, and Dániel Tőzsér and Ádám Szalai also posted gains and losses. The highest revenue was generated by the real estate development company Dániel Tőzsér (HUF 685.5 million), while the highest profit was generated by the real estate sales company Sándor Torghelle (HUF 21 million).

Four of the 15 companies had no revenue last year, while four companies had negative equity for the second consecutive business year, and if they are not replaced, the company will have to restructure, merge with another company, or liquidate.

