Index – Economy – Made world famous by demonstration of Hungarian catering services on Sunday


An Associated Press correspondent was also there Sunday in Heroes Square, where a few hundred people gathered for an event called Mass Business Opening on Facebook. Our colleagues were also there on the spot.

The Independent and ABC News in the US quoted one of the organizers as saying that all their attempts thus far had bounced off the government, so restaurant or gym owners got to the point where they couldn’t last any longer and a The civil disobedience movement had to be launched to survive, and it is necessary to open restaurants.

He highlighted the example of Polish and Italian catering companies that also dared to confront the government in order not to have to close permanently.

The AP correspondent also spoke with a Székesfehérvár presenter, Krisztián Balikó. He explained, along with hundreds of catering companies, that the commercial premises were scheduled to open on Monday, but the government imposed a heavy fine and half a year, annual closure on Saturday if someone did that, many doubted.

A VI. The mayor of the district, Tamás Soproni, was also present. The politician stressed to AP that the restrictions have serious economic effects on the one hand, but at least as important is the negative direction in which the closure affects in some cases relationships, the mental state of people.

Health expert Zsombor Kunetz also spoke in the report, saying it would be worth opening at least the terraced portion of the restaurants, with proper rules for keeping your distance and wearing a mask.

In the opinion of Kunsz ZsomborTHE GOVERNMENT must respond to the increasingly tense situation until the catering companies deliver on their promise and actually open it illegally because that could trigger another wave of the virus.
