Index – Economy – Ice with you, or expensive fun, if someone slips on the sidewalk in front of our property


Probably everyone has imitated ice skating, even with simple, casual shoes, without skates. Unless otherwise, as a safe child. Laughter, fun, then comes the slip, more precisely the slip. As Zsigmond Móricz Be good to death In the musical version of his novel, he says: “The ice is flat, sometimes you rumble so much, you don’t stop, just with the brakes on your legs.”

But while we smile as kids in the fall, get on our feet, and then carry on with the fun, the situation is quite different when someone unexpectedly comes in when they step on a slippery surface and cannot stand.

This in itself is unpleasant, but what if someone suffers a serious or even permanent injury?

And all because the snow, possibly a little rain, or just the temperature dropped below freezing, and the rain that had previously fallen froze on the sidewalk, which no one cleared. Accidents of this nature can have significant consequences.

But who is responsible for them?

The answer is clear, according to lawyer Gábor Asztalos: the owner, whose accident occurred on the sidewalk in front of his property. Or, in your case, your user, in the case of a tenant, or your manager. Ultimately, it is the person who has to take care of the section of sidewalk, that is, the owner of the property.

This means staying clean in the summer, which is obviously not as dangerous as in the winter, when the frosts come, the snowfalls, when degreasing becomes a priority. If someone is involved in an accident during that stretch, they can file a claim with the owner or disposer of the property.

Let’s take an example: if someone breaks their leg and therefore has to stay home on sick pay, so they have an itemized loss that they can convert into guilders, they can file a claim for property damage to compensate it.

Gábor Asztalos told Index, adding that he could also pay compensation for non-pecuniary damages to the victim due to a violation of his right to privacy.

The extent of this depends on several factors, including the severity of the injury and the extent to which it is disadvantageous in your life. Because if someone suffers an injury that prevents them from using any part of their body properly, especially if it is necessary for daily work, like a hand surgeon for a surgeon, you can expect quite a high compensation.

There was also a case in January last year: after light rains and the sidewalk was not cleaned, an elderly man fell, suffering a permanent hand injury that prevented him from moving properly. the thumb.

It was the fault of the person who had the loss against his property and ended up paying two million florins in damages to the injured party.

But each case is different, so the penalty can be of any size and the limit is the starry sky, from a few 100,000 forint to a multi-million dollar penalty.

For this reason, it is advisable to pay attention to keeping the flooring clean and degreased, which must be constantly cared for, as the breach can suffer great damage. Of course, it is also important to properly take care of the public space belonging to the property, not only for material damage, but also for the integrity of others.

– said Gábor Asztalos, who also revealed that snow can be pushed to the edge of the road, but the canal’s rivers must be left free, and enough free space must be left on the sidewalk so that pedestrians have enough space for traffic.

(Cover image: A man shoveling snow in Budapest, December 2, 2019. Photo: Lajos Soós / MTI)

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