Index – Economy – Hundreds of thousands can be saved by those who are ahead of construction.


We will help with design and construction with free sample drawings, announced Katalin Novák, Minister without Portfolio for Families, on Friday. Plans for the construction of new buildings and the conversion of cube houses are prepared by the Lechner Knowledge Center.

The government’s home building program is adding a new element. According to Katalin Novák

help with design and construction with free sample designs.

The minister without a portfolio for families said in a video uploaded to Facebook that in the government’s housing construction program, VAT was exempted from January and the purchase was made tax-free for those who collect the chocolate for it.

According to Katalin Novák, they want to help those who are about to build or have bought a house that would be remodeled, because then “they will immediately get into the design problem.” And the plans can only be very expensive.

That is why the Lechner Knowledge Center has decided to create sample designs that will be available to you free of charge, thus facilitating the design process.

Said the Minister.

There are currently 40 sample plans to choose from in the design catalog, but according to Katalin Novák, this number will soon approach 100.

Following Katalin Novák, József Kolossa, Managing Director of the Lechner Knowledge Center, spoke in the video about the fact that “those who want to build can choose high-quality architectural plans, technically controlled and economically feasible from a growing range of designs. ”.

The main objective of the Catalog of National Sample Plans in relation to the Hungarian Villages Program is to support residential construction and increase the quality of the built environment in the Hungarian countryside, stated the managing director, adding that the catalog can be navigated between two categories:

  • construction of new buildings, and
  • cube house remodeling.

The plans can be downloaded and used after entering into a user agreement, which can be completed through the website.
