Advance payment of agricultural subsidies will begin on October 16, the agriculture minister announced. István Nagy indicated that under the common agricultural policy, Hungarian agriculture receives an average of 700 billion HUF per year in support through four main support articles: direct support, requests for rural development programs, national support and market support. Last year’s payments reached HUF 793 billion.
This year, farmers have submitted 169,000 unique applications for five million hectares of farmland. Of these, for three main forms of support, an advance is paid on the support needs indicated in the single requests, the minister said, the telegraph office reported. The advance can be a maximum of 70% per application for direct payments and a maximum of 85% for rural development payments by area, such as agri-environmental measures or aid for conversion to organic farming.
There will be a serious debate on continuing national transition support.
A further 290 billion HUF will be paid for the uniform applications submitted this year through the Hungarian State Treasury, including prepayment and fees that can be paid after the prepayment is finalized after November 1. István Nagy stated that the main objective of the advance is to allow farmers to carry out the fall work without interruptions, while maintaining their financial stability. According to the minister, it is a priority for as many producers as possible to receive an advance. In addition to area payments, payments will also be made to provide specific support to certain key sectors, such as dairy cows or sheep.