Index – Economy – Home renovation support is also available for flats and mortgages


A Katalin Novák The latest state support for families announced by the Minister without Family Portfolio in mid-October can still be claimed by those who are raising at least one child and want to renovate, modernize and beautify their own homes.


As indicated in the decree published in the Hungarian Gazette on November 25, the aim of supporting housing renovation is, on the one hand, to improve the housing conditions of Hungarian families raising children, as well as to renovate the stock of domestic housing and whitening the domestic construction sector.

Since the announcement, the Index has covered various articles on supporting home renovation, a series of torture questions about the state program.

– the first part dealt with exactly under what conditions families with children can apply for aid and how the application process is carried out;

– the second part clarified what legal or employment relationship is required for someone to benefit from support, and exactly for what work we can use the amount of state support for home renovation;

– the third article provided help to avoid mistakes that, if applicable, could prevent us from receiving aid for home renovation;

– the fourth article in the series detailed the account issues, what exactly MÁK accepts during the deal, and we also explained exactly how 50-50 percent should be interpreted in the case of home renovation support.

1. In the case of housing renovation aid, is it a condition that the property has no usufruct right?

It is not a condition. In other words, if the property is encumbered with a usufruct right, it is still possible to take advantage of the possibility of support for home renovation, Katalin Novák said in her latest Facebook video.

2. Is the basic social security contribution accepted? When do I pay for TB myself?

No. In this case, families cannot benefit from the home renovation program when both parents only have their own TB contribution. It is a condition that at least one of the parents has a social security relationship, which is fundamentally for work or, for example, for studies or for gyes, gyed, etc. It can be linked if the claimant had a previous job. If someone wants to live with home renovation support as a single parent, they must still meet this condition, the Minister without Family Portfolio has also clarified this condition.

3. Is it possible to apply for a home renovation grant for an apartment that is rented and still taxed?

According to Katalin Novák, yes, but only under certain conditions. At the time of application, the applicant or their minor child must have a combined ownership interest of at least 50% of the housing covered by the grant. They must have an ownership interest of at least 50 percent, which means that if they do not already have their own ownership of this property at least 50 percent under the lease, they will not be able to claim the home improvement support until then.

4. Can the aid be used for a flat mortgaged for another investment?

Yes. It is not a problem if the apartment already has a mortgage for some reason, state support can also be used in this case, says Katalin Novák.

5. Is it possible to add home renovation support to a municipal apartment?

No, because an apartment rented in the municipality does not qualify as your own property. As Katalin Novák did not talk about this in her last video, however, the Index reads in the text of the decree that it is not possible to include support for housing renovation for municipal housing. Since the purpose of the home renovation support is to allow families expecting or raising at least one child to upgrade their existing homes with the help of the support, only state-owned real estate can be used.

6. If there is no salary bill because I do the renovation work myself, can the home renovation allowance be eligible?

No. The subsidy for home renovation can be applied for if both the salary and the cost of the material are billed, and it can be requested at half the costs of labor and materials. Thus, in the case raised in the question, the subsidy cannot be applied not only to salary, but also to the cost of materials.

+1. Another example is the 50-50% between labor and material costs. What if, for example, the cost of materials and renovation are less, a few hundred thousand?

For example, if the material cost is HUF 50,000 and the business fee is HUF 350,000, then a grant of HUF 50-50,000 can be applied for, that is, a total of HUF 100,000, instead of HUF 200,000.

On the other hand, if, for example, the cost of the material is already 100,000 HUF and the labor fee, the claimant is still entitled to a total of 200,000 HUF, and within that amount he can count his cost in half ie the material cost of 100,000 HUF plus the business fee of 100,000 HUF.

Therefore, efforts should be made to ensure that the proportion of any cost element in the total amount to be accounted for does not fall below 25%, so that it reaches at least this level, as this is the only way to use the limit. maximum total aid of 25 + 25 = 50%.

More examples and details about tomorrow’s home renovation program can be found at the Hungarian State Treasury and at Csalá

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(Cover image: Shutterstock)
