Index – Economy – Here’s the government’s six-point economic protection plan


The meeting of the operational court for economic protection has ended and proposals to facilitate financial management have been discussed. Based on proposals from the Hungarian Banking Association and the Minister of Finance, the court adopted six points, all of which make administration simpler, faster and cheaper.

– announced the Minister of Finance Mihály Varga. In a Facebook video, the minister said the following six measures would be introduced soon.

  1. A previous measure was confirmed first, which will also allow electronic payment in places where electronic cash registers are used. He added that this will affect another 50-60 thousand places and, according to calculations, the measure could reduce the use of cash by up to tens of billions of forints.
  2. In addition, electronic banking will be expanded, making it easier for businesses and households to manage their finances. They expect the number of personal affairs to drop by as much as two million.
  3. The provision would also eliminate a small burden on land offices, as documents that could be filed electronically would simplify the procedure in approximately 130,000 cases.
  4. Real estate valuation can become widely free and clients can save between 30,000 and 50,000 guilders, as a database has been created for it, which would help the work of banks in about a third of cases .
  5. They would also speed up and simplify notarial assistance in real estate matters, which would save tens of thousands of florins for approximately 60-70 thousand clients.
  6. Respectively, the security of nearly 6.5 million people with bank accounts will be protected by the introduction of digital document management.
