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They do a lot of things at the Dunaújváros Roma Nationality Self-Government. According to János Hosszú, president of the organization, for example, trainings are organized, with which more than 350 people have already returned to the primary labor market. The courses train heavy machinery operators, forklift drivers, carpenters, and nurses, among others.

Sometimes they distribute cleaning and food packages, but they also do cleaning and landscaping. And the local disadvantaged children are prepared for the supplemental exams with the help of eight teachers. As Long says:

we don’t slap, we don’t heat, we don’t politicize, we work.

But they want national self-government to have more economic autonomy, so they have cut something completely different.

  • Who invented the Gipsy Feeling energy drink?
  • What do they start with the money received?
  • What attacks did they value because of their ads?

He had a dream

I slept at home and suddenly had a dream. In my dream, I had a bottle in my hand that was written to have a gypsy feeling. The next day I woke up, immediately called the graphic designer and told him not to laugh, but I dreamed it. Drew things in my dream

– This is how the history of the gypsy feeling energy drink began, and the dream of János Hosszú came true after two years of work, this year they started selling the product.

He said several entrepreneurs have joined the project, but said no because he wants to do business with a nonprofit company that is 100 percent owned by ethnic self-government.

With my team, I want to do it at the service of the people who live here. Have an independent income from which we can make our additional plans. We want to make a popular kitchen and a boarding school for disadvantaged children

add. He says the Roma self-government has managed to save a few million forint in almost ten years, “that we didn’t spend on fees or parties, but we said we would do this project here.”

The first gypsy product?

I already had a lot of ideas, they wanted to make a hot sauce, a dough, a stone, soap, a basket, but according to Long, nothing really worked. You know, this energy drink is the first food product to be put on the retail market, and it also takes the image of the gypsies. I had never heard of such a thing in Hungary, but throughout Europe.

An important question is why they chose a type of product that is not known for their health. Much to say, there are many injustices in energy drinks. According to him, cakes, soft drinks or coffee should also be sought on this basis.

He says his product contains as much caffeine as a serving of coffee and as much sugar as a slice of drum cake. “The essence of everything is measurement. I also love wine, but I don’t drink ten bottles of it every day, “he says.

A plant was found in Kiskőrös that had already committed to producing the initial quantity of a few million. In the first round, thirty thousand pieces were made, of which five thousand have so far been sold at a consumer price of 260 forints. They can also be ordered from your web store, but more and more stores seem to want to sell the product as well.

They try to find distributors for a long time, but they only do business if they see that there is substantial interest in the product and see significant partner marketing activity. And with large chain stores, they don’t have a chance yet, it will take at least three to four successful years in the market, Long said. (Hell, which also travels on energy drinks, was filled with billions of forints in public money.)

At the moment, most of the products are located in a rented warehouse center, if an order arrives, the people of the Roma municipal company will pack the drinks and send them by courier to the right place.

If someone wants to party

He also spoke extensively about the fact that they have received much criticism from the beginning, the extreme right wing Our Country, for example, attacked them for their publicity. This is the place:

According to our country, gypsy culture is placed above Hungarian advertising. But their sensitivity is also violated: “they offer a Hungarian and Chinese person with this product, and with that they become gypsies. We are offended by this and we believe that everyone’s sensibilities should be taken into account, “said János Árgyelán, leader of the party.

The company has a lot to do with how to advertise the product. Long says that the Roma market is such a virgin area that there are not many products or strategies that can be a good example for them:

What design can be good? What a flavor Many people think that all Roma are equal, but this is not true, we are also diverse. We don’t have a sure recipe for success, but we are trying.

The team that created the commercials and clips is also diverse, as Long says: “It includes gypsies and non-gypsies, people with film experience, graphic artists, punk, and alternative guys.”

We want to recover what it was 50 years ago. Then, if someone wanted to party, they would turn to the Roma and call the gypsy musicians. We want to symbolize humor, freedom, friendship and union with our product, such is the gypsy feeling

he says. In the three weeks after their ads appeared, their Facebook page alone had 1.5 million visits, but they also have more and more followers on YouTube and Tiktok.

(Cover image: Bődey János / Index)
