Index – Economy – Elon Musk also drills Texas


We recently wrote about Elon Musk leaving California, including Silicon Valley, because he was fed up with an environment that wasn’t worth his old big news – in Hungarian, it’s not business-friendly at all. Around the same time as Musk, his two absolutely iconic companies, Hewlett Packard, announced their departure from Silicon Valley and were recently followed by Oracle.

The latter has been in Silicon Valley for exactly 43 years and employs 138,000 people. Nor can it be by chance that one of the founders and current CEO of Oracle, Larry Ellison, is Tesla’s second largest investor. FOX News also noted with some irony about the case that

the last one out will put out the lamp in Silicon Valley.

The correspondent then quickly added that due to frequent power outages in California, this might not be necessary.

But let’s go back to Elon Musk. The second richest man in the world moves to Texas, including Austin. Anyway, a new steam Tesla factory is being built here, and Musk’s other favorite company SpaceX already has interests here. And to prevent his third company, the Boring Company, from being put out of work at the new location, Elon Musk appears to be drilling in Texas too.

A few words are worth saying about Boring Company. It was founded by Elon Musk in late 2016 when a multitude of traffic jams in California began to cause frustration. The basic idea was to build sub-surface roads for autonomous electric vehicles (loops) and idle trains (hyperloop). The first tunnel has already been completed in Los Angeles for testing purposes and the second is currently under construction in Las Vegas.

After that, perhaps the first Austin Business Journal correspondent was the first to smell that the company had bought a warehouse in a large area near Austin and the Tesla factory under construction. The company itself, The Boring Company, has yet to publish any announcements about starting the project locally, but has started recruiting through its own Twitter account. Nor would it be Elon Musk if it had happened otherwise. The post is very clever, it looks a lot like this in Hungarian:

The soil around Austin is rumored to be geologically among the best for tunnel construction. Do you want to know if it’s true? We have openings in Austin!

And the chief appears to continue to resent the leadership of the state of California when he commented on the situation with:

Tesla is California’s last automaker and SpaceX is the last space exploration company.

“California used to have a dozen car factories and the state was one of the centers for space exploration. My companies are the last. It is important to take this into account, ”he continued.

The reason you have is nothing to prove better than the fact that 700,000 Californians have moved to Texas in recent years. The locals are also concerned about that, it is not a coincidence that hats and t-shirts with the label “Don’t Make California out of Texas” have appeared.

In conclusion, it is also worth analyzing the name of the company. The word “boring” means drilling in English, but it is also used to express boredom. This is obviously the first, if only because it can be said that Elon Muskra and his businesses are anything but boring, by no means.

(Cover image: A Tesla Model X enters the Boring Company tunnel in California in 2018. Photo: Robyn Beck / Pool / Getty Images)
