Index – Economy – Could explode the VAT cut and the new impact on the manufactured home market


After last year’s refusal, this year’s demand for manufactured homes could post a positive record due to repeated VAT cuts and new returns on chocolate, MTI writes, citing the World Economy on Tuesday.

József Kárpáti, president of ÉVOSZ-Makész’s equipped and environmentally conscious technology department, told the newspaper that the manufactured housing market had turned 180 degrees in the new year, payments stopped in October. customers were waiting for the new discounts.

Due to the reduction of VAT on the sale of new homes from 27 to 5 percent this year and the possibility of VAT refund on chocolates, companies were forced to finance ongoing construction with their own resources or with a reserve that had been prepaid until the end of last year but only received for newly placed orders

The president summed up.

As a result, the year 2020 for prefabricated companies turned out to be quite strange financially, as they did not have significant income in the first two-thirds of the year due to the newly eliminated discounted VAT and at the end due to the suspension of payment of customers who expected the refund of discounted VAT. Although the professional interest group asked the finance government to allow a subsequent refund of the VAT difference to generate income for companies on an ongoing basis, this was not the case.

Last year, half as many prefab contracts were signed as before, but this year, due to growing demand, more than two thousand new residential buildings can be built that exceed the 2019 peak with non-traditional technology.

– believes József Kárpáti based on the forecasts received from the member companies. More than half of new home constructions are traditionally single-family homes, so of the 20,000 new flats to be built this year, between 12 and 13,000 are expected to be single-family homes, of which more than 2,000 are of light structure and prefabricated.

A significant change is that while prior to 2010 orders were mainly for prefabricated houses of more than 120 square meters, more recently the 80-120 square meter category gives the mass market. Following the emergence of the coronavirus, the demand for homes of 40-60 square meters rebounded, while those of more than 120 square meters decreased significantly at the same time. Lightweight buildings that meet the expectations of the modern era and already meet the new energy requirements of buildings, which have been postponed from January to July, can be contracted with turnkey delivery at a starting price of 350- 400 thousand HUF.
