Index – Economy – Bige: Amateurs, amateurs, worthless people want to drag him


László Bige, one of the wealthiest people in Hungary, is accused of bribery. He reacted to the allegations in a rather long and special statement sent to our editorial office, in which he writes, among other things, that a systematic campaign against him is being carried out with the participation of the authorities, which he says is clearly Sándor. Csányi.

According to the statement, Bige did not want to bribe anyone: “whoever thinks that one of the richest people in Hungary wanted to bribe someone is wrong. Someone else claimed that he had bribed László Bige, although he had received nothing for it, and the authorities do not seem to show how absurd this is. “Bige says:

They forgot that I am not an employee who can be bribed, but I am the owner who cannot be bribed for my own money.

Bige says the accusation is ridiculous and unfounded, which is also part of the connected attack that is taking place against him.

Official atrocities

According to Bige, the quite contradictory official atrocities against the companies of the Bige Holding Group, which also includes Nitrogénművek Zrt., Are very spectacular. At the same time, he believes that these attacks are only partially directed against him, since he has already accomplished what he could have done, making it more about threats to his family, his children. He added that it is a completely different assessment for him and that it is good for everyone to think about it.

“From the essentially unjustified official action against the Szolnok chemical plant, NZrt. Trade Kft. He was also included in the target crossing of the authorities together with the two managers of Nitrogénművek Zrt. In the latter case, the accusation was initially embezzlement, which turned into dishonest treatment during the interrogation of the two workers as suspects, while selling discounted fertilizers in the fund. There is also an antitrust process underway on the hiring and sales practices of the household fertilizer sector since 2011, in which not only the companies in which we have an interest are involved, “he explained. He goes on to say that they wanted to register their companies for various ways.

“It was exciting when, quite transparently, a certain XY (name a specific person here – ed.) – Former employee of Sándor Csányi – prior to the latest international bond issue of Nitrogénművek Zrt., He sent a letter of indictment in many copies quite transparently, to the heads of the issuing banks, large law firms and hedge funds. He reported cases that we didn’t even know about because they didn’t even start. He approached banks and law firms, apparently with the aim of thwarting the bond issue, which failed. The letter raised the cost of financing, but the foreign reaction was more incredulous due to the low level of the attack, “wrote László Bige, then addressed the ongoing bribery case:

“If that wasn’t enough, here is another incredible story: László Bige was also denounced for bribery.” But according to the report, he was not the one who bribed someone, but was bribed, which is quite ridiculous to put it mildly, considering that he is one of the richest people in Hungary in terms of his personality. “

Bige said authorities, however, for some reason did not capture the attention of this story, she said, unrealistically. “But what happened, is it really happening in relation to a character known in this world in relation to a story that is coveted among the works of the Globe Theater in London? It is exactly that the well-known saying has not been spread by accident: the rabbit carries the rifle again, “writes the contractor.

They didn’t even invest that much in stolen money

Then he remembers that he has invested almost 500 million euros in Hungary in the last ten years through his companies. “It was a successful investment cycle, we built new factories, we more or less completely renovated the nitrogen plants, which expanded their capacity through the latest technology,” Bige said, adding that they were also being built during a crisis.

Anyone can count on who has invested almost 500 million euros in this country in the last ten years.

The billionaire writes.

As he put it, not even so much was invested in “stolen money.”

Regarding the last observation, it is not clear which of them he was referring to, of course, he may have a tip for many.

“There are few companies in Hungary that invest 2 to 3 billion onwards, but the foreign company that spends 2 to 3 billion forints in Hungary is called Odysseus, and even receives support.”

added the entrepreneur. Bige emphasizes that his companies “have never received a penny from taxpayers in the European Union or Hungary. Neither in the previous system nor since then. They did not understand it, but they did not demand it.”

This money is given only to those who are quite loyal to power

– László Bige said. A competent minister even told him, he recalled, not to ask for support because they had no right to it. Investments were thus covered with their own money and the issuance of their bonds, he added.


Bige writes that his opponents are using all means against him, even threatening that if he does not leave Hungary, he will be imprisoned. He also received two direct messages about this, at a level where the threat could be taken seriously, in addition to “giving a small example of it,” but for no reason. László Bige considers it a “crime under public law”.

Then go back to the current bribery case. He points out that he believes that it already seems an exaggeration to “buy a villain” that he personally denounced. “About the former boss of a company like XY (He also mentions the name of an entrepreneur here – ed.) This is because it became insolvent in 2010 and its assets were liquidated for more than ten years, so it was lost. Even today, you owe many billions of forints to individuals and companies. Among other things, it belongs to the Bige Holding Group, with around 400 million. He paid his debt, but the bankruptcy trustee recovered it. According to what happened, ten years later, this man recalled that he had bribed László Bige and filed a complaint, “writes the businessman.

According to Bige, “he complained in the manner of a penitent pendent, making an accusation, saying that by the time he had officially received the products, he had sold the black fertilizer without an invoice.” He cheated, stole, lied, turned into black money. However, this is lame, because with him the so-called deposit agreements were signed with him, so the goods belonged to Nitrogénművek, he could not sell it either, because then it would have been closed, because the inventory was regular at that time. “

Bige writes that in a previous lawsuit and execution, the named person’s debts to Bige have been recovered, not counting the $ 400 million claimed by the bankruptcy trustee. “But neither during those procedures, nor later, until now, did he remember that he had paid his debt twice, even if he had bribed it,” Bige writes. He also claims that he gave a total of 135 million HUF in ten months. for him, but he believes they may have paid the plaintiff a few tens of millions of forints to “take on the role of penitent pentito” in the case.

Amateurs, amateurs, worthless people

At the same time, László Bige really doesn’t understand what it has to do with someone who sells the products he officially bought from them without an invoice. There is no point harassing, dragging, “he added. As he said, he doesn’t even take it seriously, completely, it is a baseless attack on him. It is also clear from this story that they are trying on all fronts, but with no chance, because “these are really smart people, fans, worthless,” Bige said.

He is quite concerned that someone will report after ten years that he has allegedly bribed someone, make an accusation, and then say something to someone with impunity – it is another matter that he cannot prove his allegations. He recalled that at the time the alleged bribery would have occurred, according to the report, he had received dividends in the order of billions, but not only then, but before and after.

Regarding the attacks on his company group, László Bige said: It was not by chance that they decided to issue a 7-year bond on behalf of Nitrogénművek Zrt. Because I knew they would be attacked. His opponents also wanted to avoid the bond issue because they were confident that they would be able to acquire their small factories should their funds be cut.

Public bodies also participated

Great efforts have been made to harm us, systematically and explicitly with the participation of state agencies (police, disaster management, prosecutors, competition authorities) to do everything possible to ruin it, but it will not succeed

László Bige said. The billionaire in the crossfire from the attacks says it is clear who is doing this. He has already named Sándor Csányi several times from what moves the threads in the background.

According to László Bige, behind the bribery case is none other than the wildness of Sándor Csányi. László Bige also considers it obvious that this could not be done without political consent.

However, he does not believe this is possible or acceptable in a country that operates in accordance with the rule of law, he said.

In any case, according to Bige, “the state is now treating it in a spectacular, well-organized way and as if the destruction of one of the main actors in the Hungarian economy were part of the Hungarian Economic Protection Action Plan, at the same time as he wins it for a bag and plays in power. ” To friends, as they say. There is nothing new during the day, “the statement concludes.
