Index – Economy – András Csaba Dézsi’s wife is also a victim of the new health system


“Dear Vera! I’m sorry that our joint work ended prematurely! In the cardiac catheter laboratory that we have built and operated together with the heart and soul for the last 17 years! You will only be punished for not being able to do the socially important work of which you are one of the best in your profession, in the country, because you are my wife. I think it’s a shame! “He wrote to his wife, Dézsiné Szentes Veronika, on his official Facebook page these days. András Csaba Dézsi, He is the mayor of a Győr cardiologist who, in addition to his public duties, continues to work at the Petz Aladár University Hospital in Győr.

The Index contacted András Csaba Dézsi about what happened, because from now on he would not be able to work with his wife as head doctor of the cardiology department in Győr, due to the new state of the health service that lives on March 2.

After meeting Vera, I invited her to Győr in 2004 to help establish a cardiac catheter laboratory in Győr cardiology, which we would not have been able to open in 2005 without her. He was already a highly experienced specialist in the field, having undergone cardiac catheterization in Zalaegerszeg for six to seven years. In addition, he was the first in the field to participate as an assistant in organized myocardial infarction care, which is of utmost importance.

– the mayor of Fidesz told the backstory, why it is a particularly painful point that his wife was replaced as laboratory manager yesterday after 16 years of service and transferred to another ward in Győr hospital.

At the same time, András Csaba Dézsi added, the most important thing for them now is what the future fate of the laboratory will be, because invasive cardiology is a restricted profession where there are few highly qualified specialists.

Vera has a university degree, is now a Ph.D., and publishes regularly in scientific journals. He was very worried about what would happen if he left work, and that worry was bad to see. I considered it my moral duty to defend him and to defend those who find themselves in an equally unworthy position due to the new health law.

– emphasized Zsolt Borkai, the mayor of Győr, which changed last January. The cardiologist also said that the law on the legal status of the health service that lives as of today says that he did not spare either the profession or the individual, just when he was convinced that his story was not a unique case. He also has many critical comments about the law itself.

“Health care should have been transformed much more carefully. Although all is not yet lost, there is room for correction. For the moment, Győr’s cardiac catheterization laboratory will also be open, but only because my colleagues respect that I will not stop either, ”added András Csaba Dézsi.

So the joint work of the Dézsi couple is incompatible

Law C of 2020 on the relationship with the legal service establishes exactly the following in relation to conflicts of interest:

“The manager, as well as the person in legal relationship with the health service with the right to make a financial commitment, is incompatible with the position or assignment of the manager, a) if he had a management relationship (supervision), control or his relative “.

Lex Dézsi

Csaba András Dézsi had previously been an exception to his practice, after last March the National Assembly approved an amendment to the law called Lex Dézsi, which asked András Csaba Bézai, who will replace Zsolt Borkai, to continue his cardiology practice.

In an interview with the mayor cardiologist of Győr in an interview with the Index in September last year, he said that he usually works in cardiology in Győr early in the morning and was attacked in vain during the campaign period for not being able to ride two horses with a buttock.

I took up the civic profession on the condition that I could stay with him as a doctor because I love my profession.

– András Csaba Dézsi said at the time, who repeatedly emphasized during the conversation that he likes to save lives.

The new mayor of the Győr Index: on wines, skeletons, sunbathing and football

András Csaba Dézsi does not give football players 200 million HUF for Gucci bags.

(Cover image: András Csaba Dézsi. Photo: Tamás Szilli / Index)
