Index – Economics – Expect This When You Eat Fish At Christmas


Fish farmers do not close an extra good year, it can be said that this year’s fish production is average, said the Hungarian Fisheries and Aquaculture Inter-Trade Organization (MA-HAL) when looking up the Index. As stated, yields are significantly affected by typical weather anomalies of the year.

When the epidemic broke out, 1,200 tons of fish could not be exported, this quantity was dumped into Hungarian public waters with state intervention.

Most of the lakes in the Transdanubian Valley received hardly any rain due to the dry spring, and then the August flash floods broke the dams on hundreds of hectares in Somogy and Baranya counties, so the fish went there too, pointed out.

At the same time, the positive is that the summer was long and warm, which strengthened the water production capacity of the waters.

“Plankton has appeared in several waves, which is important because it improves the quality of fish meat, they will have more essential amino acids and their consumption will be even healthier.”

– stressed the experts.

The fish was not expensive

Like last year

  • live carp at 1,100-1300 HUF per kilogram;
  • carp slices at 2,100–2,200 HUF;
  • African catfish fillets at 3,000-3,200 HUF;
  • the price of the fuselage of the bus will cost an average of 1,200 to 1,400 guilders per kilogram at Christmas.

At the request of the Index, the organization sent the gross consumer prices measured in week 47 (HUF / kg):

Live carp Carp slices Peeled African catfish fillet Bus voltage Busa slice Lazacfilé
Hall of the Main Square of Customs 1350 1900 3300 (special offer) 1300 1400 5900
Lehel Square Lounge 1300 2100 3000 1300 1200 5800
Kecskemét 1150 2100 2700 (special offer) 1200 4990
Pécs 1290 2190 2990 (special offer) 1490 1490
Székesfehérvár 2190 2890 (special offer) 1290 1490 5490
Győr 1199 2190 2490 1290 1490 5490
Debrecen 1299 2290 3280 (special offer) 1999 1999 5999
Szolnok 1050 1524 847 847
Békéscsaba 1290 2020 3250 (special offer) 1290 1450 6900
Gyula 1950 3000 1150 1400
Nagykanizsa Closed
Kaposvár 1199 1950 2800 (special offer) 1299 5900
Keszthely 1280 2690 3180 (special offer) 1530 6399
Balatonboglár 900 (special offer) 1790 2390 (special offer) 825 3760
Your grandfather Closed
Budaörsi Auchan 1399 1249 1249 1799 (special offer) 1249 (special offer) 4999
Budaörsi METRO 1090 2456 2456 1119 1154 6299

They also pointed out that the fishing work is going well, with 14-15 thousand tons of market fish waiting for MA-HAL. “The average weight of the fish is higher, more fish weighing 2-3 kilograms are marketed. With the exception of perch, there is a good selection of all freshwater fish, including river catfish, carp, grass carp, bustard and crucian carp, ”they listed.

20-25 percent of the fish is exported, 30 percent is placed in natural waters and is destined for consumers as fishing prey.

When asked what kind of fish Hungarians buy the most during the holidays, they answered that in Hungary the concept of fish is related to carp, which is not by chance, since this is the only species of fish that was domesticated before the Middle Ages. , dioceses and church welfare systems were also a priority. “

MA-HAL asks buyers to

Don’t let the fish buy at the last minute, as freshwater fish will stay in the freezer for months without deteriorating in quality.

“Each fish is fresh every day, now let’s buy the fish when there are no queues or scrambles, everyone receives or asks for their favorite,” said the interprofessional organization, which wants to change the trade towards more elaborate fish in stories.

Vacuum or aluminum foil?

“The aluminum foil is also good, but it is better to put it in a vacuum paper and store the fish in the freezer, since it eliminates any bacterial activity by not getting air. It is also worth putting the meat in some sealing material, because in this way it does not lose its water content and does not dry out. In this way we can store not only carp, any other fish, but also African catfish, which is the second most popular fish species in Hungary ”, advises MA-HAL.

Nine out of ten people have fish in their diet, but only 22 percent of them eat this type of food several times a week, this is already clear from a survey conducted by the National Association of Hungarian Dietitians. The research covered not only fish consumption habits, but also the use of fish products. Almost three-quarters of those surveyed know that they can get the necessary vitamins and minerals found in fish into the body, even with fish pate.

The annual per capita fish consumption in the world is 20 kilograms, in Europe it is 18 kilograms, in Hungary it is only 6.5 kilograms.

One of the most important arguments in favor of taste when buying seafood was quality, which was the main consideration for more than half of the respondents. Only then did the price arrive, almost 22 percent, and the origin of the products, which is almost 13 percent of the fillings, the most determining factor in the purchase.

That’s how the “greats” count

A Spar plans to make 30 to 35 percent of annual fish consumption at Christmas. Their customers are the most searching for carp, catfish, trout, African catfish, salmon and salmon trout, workers told the Index. They do not have an estimate of how much the pandemic will reduce traffic before the holidays.

He hopes to sell large quantities of fish before the Christmas holidays a CBA. In their response to our portal, they wrote that during this period, freshwater species come to the fore, especially carp and catfish are the best sellers. Consumers’ habits are constantly changing, slices buy more and more each year, and catfish is gaining in popularity. “Due to the coronavirus epidemic, many things are unpredictable, including the degree to which there will be an increase in store traffic before the holidays. Today, stores typically underperform last year’s turnover, “they wrote.

the Auchan reported that the turnover of their fish counters is expected to increase exponentially from the beginning of December, but most of them put the purchase of fish until the last moment, 3-4 days before the holidays. In the retail chain, customers can choose from more than ten types of domestic fish, 11 freshwater and 19 marine, but also specialties of pickled and smoked fish or caviar are offered. They see that people are still waiting, preparing for the Christmas holidays, but it is not expected to be as big as in recent years. “By adapting to the epidemic, we offer them the safest buying opportunity possible. The featured Christmas fish species are also prepackaged on the refrigerated shelves in our stores, ”they reported.

At Tesco currently it offers fresh packaged fish, mainly in hypermarkets. At Christmas, about half of the average annual consumption is made, which is when they experience the most interest in the category. In this case, the greatest demand is for carp fillets, carp and catfish fillets and whole trout, in addition to the increase in demand for salmon fillets. This year, it is expected to sell approximately 9-10 tonnes of carp slices, 5 tonnes of catfish fillets and 3-4 tonnes of trout. Almost a quarter of the annual turnover for fresh fish is made during the Christmas season, they wrote to search the Index.

(Cover Image: Isza Ferenc / Index)
