Index – Economics – Digital Education Is Here, Which Is Why Several Digi Services Have Stopped


Index readers in several cities indicated that one of Digi’s services had stopped working: neither the Internet nor TV.

And the internet would be needed as they switched to digital education in elementary schools starting Monday.

A XVII. In the district, for example, the local government indicated on its Facebook page that Digi Kft’s internet service had stopped throughout the district. No information was published on Digi’s pages until our article was published. On your community page, in your last post, you asked a question about one of your services, dozens of respondents already write about where one of Digi’s services does not go: in addition to several districts of Budapest, quite a few settlements are also affected . in the agglomeration.

We contacted the service provider with our questions, sent them to the only email address on the Digi website, however the following letter was returned:

You can also contact the service provider via a form on the website, where it appears that our questions have reached their destination. We ask that

  • What is causing the problem?
  • When is this expected to improve?
  • Can customers expect compensation for the outage?

Digital education started with a closure

Not only Digi suffers: the CRETE studio system, which has already been updated with the Digital Collaboration Space, did not work properly everywhere.
