Index – Economics – Ampoules are constantly filling at Richter


Last Monday, the first shipment was from Gyömrői út to seven health institutions, three hospitals and four university clinics, said Gábor Orbán, CEO of Gedeon Richter, on the InfoRádió Arena program.

Leader Richter has spoken about it since then.

“Many patients have already been able to receive” their medicine containing the active substance remdesivir,

but he didn’t mention a specific number.

They are constantly organizing and complicating production, currently “there is a larger batch under quality control.” He said that on Tuesday, a batch of 6,000 servings also went through quality control, so

To date, Richter has manufactured a total of 15,000 small doses and infusions in bottles, which are also delivered to affected hospitals.

However, it is important to emphasize that

THIS is 15,000 doses, part of enough to treat the 3,000 hospital patients Richter produced in early October.

The essence of continuous “packaging”, quality control lies in the expiration date of the product, because it is not a tablet, but an intravenous infusion agent, for the guarantee that they do not want to accumulate in larger batches, because if ” expires “that they can use. That’s why Richter also monitors the drug’s clinical use on an ongoing basis.

Two weeks ago, Index was the first to report that Hungary already had a coronavirus drug, after Richter succeeded in synthesizing and manufacturing the active ingredient remdesivir, which is currently proving to be the most effective treatment for severe Covid patients, after five months of hard work.

We’ve also written before that, looking at daily stats, that number doesn’t seem high, but at the same time, Richter says they can provide the care they need on an ongoing basis with enough to treat 3,000 hospital patients.

The CEO emphasized that Richter is not involved in vaccine production, but has held a “vaccine candidate charge” for a US company at its Debrecen plant. Gábor Orbán spoke in the Arena about Richter’s other projects related to the coronavirus, about which you can read more in our previous article.

Money> knowledge

Gábor Orbán said that this part mentioned the “least interesting” direct cost, a few hundred million direct costs, most of which was the cost of materials, when asked about the financial construction of the remdesivir drug. He stressed that Richter “had the professional staff, the knowledge and, incidentally, the team in Hungary that could do this,” not all of these conditions were true in every country.

Everyone has more money than knowledge, in which case the industrial base, the research and development base that has been built at Richter over decades is welcome.

– said the CEO.

He also talked about the history of the active ingredient remdesivir – it was originally developed by an American company called Gilead for Ebola. Because it is protected by patents,

Your product cannot be marketed, but it can be administered to patients in a clinical trial.

The pharmaceutical industry is basically a highly competitive market, but according to Gábor Orbán, “not only companies come together but also countries.” In Hungary, the state, as the client, the financier, the universities as the knowledge base, participate in this process, while the industry, in this case Richter, provides the personnel and infrastructure.
