Index – Domestic – Would you have something to do on the street until five in the morning?


The editorial team of the Index has compiled the most important themes that are changing compared to our previous habits. The questions, instead of losing weight: multiply. Would you add to these? Feel free to write to us at the email address [email protected].

Let’s move on to another tortuous 5 + 1 question that dispels our confusion.

1. What can dog sitters do between 8 pm and 5 am if the eb cannot provide for his needs in the apartment without a garden?

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán accepted the proposal made to the government, which represents about one and a half million dog sitters, so that dog owners can walk without a time limit even after eight at night. The setting in your case means that you can only walk within a radius of 500 meters from where you live. A curiosity: in the spring in Bergamo, Italy, there were several cases in which the residents of a condominium shared the time of walking dogs with each other, and the dogs could be in the street all day with a “changed owner”.

2. How does an employee who finishes work after 8 pm prove that they are going home from work?

It’s worth asking for an employer certificate today, it should be on hand so you can show it to the police at any time.

3. Can a police officer be punished if someone rushes home without an address card?

Even before the exit restriction, it was necessary for everyone to have an identity document. If an address card is accidentally left at home, the data can be retrieved from the central register. If you haven’t had the routine of carrying this document with you until now, incorporate it into your daily life for your peace of mind.

4. Can I run in the street after 8pm for training?

Although the decree has yet to be published, during the first wave of spring, the national medical director specifically allowed and recommended outdoor exercise.

5. Wait: is this now a curfew or just a simple restriction?

This is only a restriction because the ban means that citizens cannot leave their homes in any way, at most if their life and health are in danger. However, the regulations that will come into force tomorrow will allow people to leave their homes to work.

5 + 1. Is it possible to travel by taxi after 8 pm?

Yes. Several taxi companies are available to passengers in the same way. In the case of a police check, however, the passenger must show the title on which he is on the street.

In conclusion, it is important not to look for loopholes, the greatest security can be provided if you commit to relocate armed with the proper documents.

If you have a question: [email protected]. Write today!

(Cover image: Danube promenade in the mist on December 11, 2015. Photo: Zoltán Balogh / MTI; Valery Hache / AFP)
