Index – Domestic – What adjustments can Viktor Orbán announce?


The minister in charge of the prime minister said Monday night in the InfoRádió Arena that the spread of the epidemic has accelerated enormously in the last two months, there are red lines that must be hardened if we cross. According to Gergely Gulyás, the priority in recent weeks has been to avoid overloading the health system without closing the country.

If security of supply is at stake, government must act

– He said. The minister added: the government twill decide a further tougher due to the coronavirus epidemic at its meeting this week. Gergely Gulyás said that the expected decisions will also affect the daily lives of people and institutions.

Also on Monday, though spoke at a Senior Citizen Council meeting Minister without portfolio for families on adjustment. Katalin Novák said that the Cabinet

consider reintroducing any measures to control the coronavirus epidemic that it had already taken in the spring.

Katalin Novák said that the situation has not been easier than a month ago and is expected to be even more difficult. The goal is to make the defense more successful, more lives can be saved.

Minister Fidesz put it this way: like in the spring, Austria is constantly being monitored. Due to similar conditions, the epidemiological situation is expected to be similar in the two countries.

What does the example of Austria show?

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in a radio interview in the spring that

“Hope for the best and prepare for the worst”,

and Austria, which is considered a laboratory from the Hungarian point of view, should be taken as an example.

In Austria from today:

  • all events were banned except professional sports
  • theaters, museums, swimming pools and gyms were closed
  • and restaurants can only receive deliveries
  • hotels cannot accept guests either

The most important change in Austria is the introduction of a night curfew:

Between 8:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., they can only leave their place of residence in certain cases, such as going to work, playing sports or walking the dog.

Personal meetings can be between members of up to two households.

Restaurants in the evening before hardening in Vienna

Restaurants in the evening before hardening in Vienna

Photo: Lisi Niesner / Reuters

Schools and kindergartens may still be open, but upper secondary and upper secondary education students are transitioning to digital education.

Stores are open without restrictions and personal service providers (hairdressers, beauticians) can also continue their work. However, only one guest can reach 10 square meters.

What can come home?

The government will decide on the tightening at today’s meeting, this will be announced by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán late in the afternoon. The cabinet is expected to follow the Austrian model and “localize” various regulations that are already in force in Austria today. It also seems true that the government sees mitigating the economic impact of the coronavirus as an important objective, ergo, that “helps the government that wants to work in order to work.”

That is, there is no need to fear a complete shutdown in the spring with today’s announcement from the Prime Minister. Further adjustment is expected to affect corporate events.

(Cover image: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Minister of the Interior Sándor Pintér at the meeting of the operational personnel responsible for the control of the coronavirus epidemic at the Ministry of the Interior on September 12, 2020. Photo: MTI / Prime Minister’s Press Office Minister / Zoltán Fischer)
