Index – Domestic – Vocational students sewed masks to take an exam


Flora Dora Csatári

05/03/2020. 09:11

Vocational students have made almost 100,000 textile masks, announced the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM).

Of the VET institutions maintained by ITM, the masks are currently being developed as internships for students in graduate education or for adults in member institutions of 34 VET centers.

Some of the completed masks were made by students in vocational training so they could use them in the vocational exams in May.

He also obtained masks made by students at hospitals, social institutions, and nursing homes through local governments.

At the Szolnok Vocational Training Center, special face protection Plexiglas are manufactured with a 3D printer. According to ITM, nearly 3,000 of these face shields have been produced for healthcare workers so far.


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