Index – Domestic – The vaccine was given to pregnant Dér Heni, these are the experiences


Dér Heni surprised his followers with joyful news from the community side: The pregnant former megastar also received the coronavirus vaccine, writes Blikk.

The singer reported the news on Instagram. In the fall, Dér Heni shared with the public that she was expecting a child during the spring quarantine period, but at that time she had an ectopic pregnancy, which turned out to be the seventh week.

At Easter, I can also announce that little by little I will be protected in all aspects. Two days ago I made the best decision for us too, and they also gave us the vaccine … It’s more a good Pfizer than a disgusting mutant virus … Yesterday there was a bit of a muscle fever at the vaccination site, but so far no we have noticed no other symptoms …

– He read in the entry of the singer, who is already in the last stage of pregnancy.

As previously reported in the Index, the National On March 26, the Center for Public Health (NNK) approved the vaccination of pregnant women against coronavirus infection.
