Index – Domestic – The secret of the Csárd miracle


According to his autobiography, László Bogdán was born on June 3, 1974 in Pécs, his father was a miner, so they got a housing estate in the city, where they did not like to live. Therefore, a few years later, the family decided to move to Cserdib, leaving the city behind. The later mayor started primary school there. This is contradicted by some of the claims in the media that he grew up on a slime and got a bitch insert well until adolescence. According to him, he did not complete his secondary studies for financial reasons.

Later he worked on construction sites several times, then was used as a pop-up, packer. Over the years, he began to rise and did not stop until he was appointed production manager. During this time, he was measured as a representative in Cserdi in 2002, where he was included, and

he also received the post of deputy mayor.

The success of his work is indicated by the fact that he had already run for mayor in the next legislature, and he held it with the confidence of the voters until his death on July 14, 2020.

Climbing the ladder with a slight slip

However, on his uphill curve, a small grain of sand also got caught in the cogwheels: In 2010, the police prosecuted him for theft, at the end of which he received a suspended prison sentence.

The media will pay attention to him in 2013. After his “shit” campaign, the mostly gypsy town of Baranya gained national fame. The press soon cast a handsome, soft-spoken man.

According to Katalin R. Forray, professor at the University of Pécs

It was refreshing to have a different kind of Roma image in the public eye.

As he himself said, there are many different images of Roma living in members of society. Depending on who we ask, a different image has developed both in the intellectuals and in the person in whose neighborhood Roma families live.

But he believes that decisive progress has been made in forming positive opinions about the Roma.

Today we can even meet beautiful, well-groomed and friendly gypsy girls who serve in restaurants who do not want to look like anyone else.

These small encounters help reduce prejudice, the expert believes. Katalin R. Forray also pointed out that László Bogdán was not the only mayor of Roma origin.

Parallels between Cserdi and Tiszabura

There is also a gypsy mayor in Tiszabura for several cycles, which shows that the origin of the settlement leader is not important for the people who live there, but the results were even more important, since in Cserdi and Tiszabura they won the trust of the voters in various cycles. As Katalin R. Forray said:

It is not enough to win elections, but you have to work hard to achieve it.

László Bogdán also worked. It won back-to-back EU tenders and large-scale investments were launched in the settlement of a few hundred people.

The press noticed him for the positive and spectacular changes, one of his good friends, Lajos Lakatos, already told Index, who said that the contrast was notorious for the media.

Cserdi, a settlement full of former unemployed people with bad crime statistics, underwent a big change under the reign of László Bogdán, and they all jumped into it.

Lakatos emphasized that the city leader saw the potential in this rampage. He did not necessarily want to share the attention of the media, but accepted the media inquiries for the sake of the success of the deal. László Bogdán took into account that the people could only benefit from this and from the relationships thus formed.

It is ironic and pathetic that ornamental gypsies are included in politics from time to time. Every four years, they make us voters for “a pot of stew” because we leave. Can I help with this? I never …

László Bogdán came up with new ideas in a row after the campaign against bastards, which was actually a joke. Where she showed young gypsy women the difference between motherhood and university professors, and where she took the vegetables and fruits that the town produced to other settlements where there was a greater need for them.

He didn’t want to, but he became an iconic figure.

But as Lajos Lakatos pointed out, there was no conscience in him to form a personal cult around him. However, if we take a closer look at his roles in the media, the awareness of how he handled them is striking. He gave presentations in countless parts of the country, for which tickets were purchased in minutes.

Awards and recognitions come true:

  • Hero of the Year – Reader’s Digest (2009)
  • Baranya Man of the Year (2013)
  • Hungarian Civil Order (2015)
  • Trefort Augustine Award (2016)
  • Hungarian Talent Ambassador (2015)
  • Raoul Wallenberg Award (2020)
  • Hungarian Charity Prize (2020)

Something change

After a forum, it was suddenly that László Bogdán was scolded and spat on by Roma. In relation to the incident, Aladár Horváth, president of the Association of the Roma Parliament, told the Index and said that Bogdán held a forum with them on September 25, but that there were no atrocities after the Budapest event, the forum organizers László Bogdán was escorted to the taxi. it couldn’t be attacked either. The words of the president of the association were confirmed by several members of the audience of the forum, anonymously.

After the incident, Bogdan assumed fewer roles and invested all his energy in the investments launched by the people. This is how the Lashipe (Goodness) processing plant was established, where cherry letcho was made.

I don’t believe in this democracy that I have the right to queue for welfare, but I have the right not to queue for work.

Tragedy and question marks

The news of the death of László Bogdán spreads like wildfire on social networks. Many admitted in disbelief that he would have ended his life with his bare hands.

After his tragic death, the National Electoral Office called provisional municipal elections. Only two candidates ran for office, the previous mayor’s brother and a former police officer. In the end, Gyula Bogdán, László’s younger brother, won the election.

We tried to contact the new mayor of the town, Gyula Bogdán, several times, but he responded to our request only once, so that

József Panek, who also ran for mayor in mid-October, is unaware of the current economic situation in the town. He won a seat in the by-elections but has yet to regain his credentials.

A few days ago the news was confirmed in the media, which until now were only assumptions. In other words, the fact that the people may even go bankrupt due to failed projects may have contributed to their suicide.

However, Lajos Lakatos does not believe that this may have been the background to the tragic movement. It has implemented several European Union tenders in recent years, and since the municipality is not always the executor, there may be a case of failures in the scheduled tasks and therefore in the financial accounting. He believes the police investigation will calm skeptics who think László Bogdán hanged himself for it.

On July 16, 2020, two days after the mayor’s death, the Baranya County Police Headquarters ordered an investigation into an unknown perpetrator for the crime of dishonest treatment.

The investigation is ongoing,

the police declined to provide further information on the details of the case in view of the interests of the investigation.

(Cover image: László Bogdán in 2015. Photo: Zoltán Balogh / MTI)
