Index – Domestic – The raped young socialist and witness of the autumn speech


The man was found around 9 pm The police confirmed to the Index that the man is fine and will be informed of the circumstances of his disappearance later.

The deputy recorded another video on his Facebook page on Sunday in which he made serious accusations about Mayor László Botka and promised a revelation on Monday when he allegedly disappeared. According to Szegedma, the representative started running on Monday, but did not return home after playing sports. This was reported by his wife to the newspaper, who claimed that he had reported her husband’s disappearance in the morning, but the police said the woman was in no rush because she only notified the police around 1 pm.

A representative of the local government of Szeged has disappeared

Bálint Szabó promised a big reveal, there has been no news from him since this morning.

The story of Bálint Szabó’s disappearance is also confusing, but his career is also adventurous, like a Hollywood script. Szabó’s name first appeared in Csepreg, Vas County, when he ran in 2002 with the support of Fidesz as an independent mayoral candidate in municipal elections. He was one of 12 local politicians supported by the right in the city.

MSZP turn

Half a year later, at the invitation of the current representative of the local government of Zugló, Csaba Tóth, Fibisz (Young Left) Young Socialists).

Bálint Szabó became involved in his first scandal by recruiting fictitious members of the MSZP. He was expelled from the MSZP in early 2004 because local Roma leaders said that he had recruited new fictitious members for the party with money. They supposedly offered 500,000 florins for admission. An attempt was made to recruit between 400 and 500 members in this way. The scandal also involved the names of Csaba Tóth, János Zuschlag and the then president of MSZP, Keter Táncsics.

Young socialist raped

Szabó, for his part, launched a counterattack on the issue of Roma membership bought for money against Csaba Horváth, the president of the local Roma government who indicted Csaba Tóth in 2004. According to Szabó, he was attacked, beaten and raped the night before the court hearing. The case was later closed for lack of evidence.

Her national fame stemmed from an internal party correspondence published in 2005. Csaba Tóth wrote to the then party chairman, István Hiller, that in 2004 Szabó was not only beaten but also raped. According to Szabó, he received death threats in 2005 when he wanted to give a press conference about the internal struggles of the MSZP.

His MSZP career ended when he invited Imre Bajor as the main guest of his event, but after failing to appear, Szabó claimed that the actor had an accident on the road.

Imre Bajor found out about his own accident during the Weekly Week. Szabó finally decided in 2006 to stop partying. In time, he became a vacuum cleaner in Szeged, but earlier he even got involved in Ferenc Gyurcsány’s famous autumn speech.

In an interview with the Weekly Response, Bálint Szabó told me that in the summer of 2006 Rózsa-Flores VI. district, apartment on Eötvös street to talk. Rózsa-Flores left Szabó alone for a few minutes as she ran to the door through the doorbell. Then, according to Szabó, he realized that in the other room of the apartment, “Ferenc Gyurcsány yells about the recording. The k … are shocked at the country, but I don’t want to hear ” He said. Szabó allegedly saw two men and a woman in Rózsa-Flores’s apartment.

He answered the weekly’s question: the three were socialist politicians and their first names were Katalin, Imre and Ferenc. The alleged coroner did not reveal the last names of the politicians. When he reported what happened to Ferenc Gyurcsány, the former prime minister reacted: “Thank you, your story shows a high degree of identity with what I have in mind,” Bálint Szabó reported on the events in an interview with the Weekly Response. in 2013.

The weekly response is increasingly suspicious

Increasingly suspicious is Weekly Response’s “crown witness”, who also intended to kill Rose-Flores.


In 2003, Szabó justified the rapid party change with his personal relationship with Csaba Tóth in 2003. In early 2005, in a television interview, Szabó claimed that he had already helped Péter Medgyessy’s campaign during the 2002 parliamentary elections. Szabó He said in his all-terrain vehicle that his “antipathy” towards Fides developed because the prime minister-designate was not allowed a university conference that he himself organized.

Szabó reappeared in party politics in 2012, when he became a spokesman for the Democratic Coalition in Szeged. He then became an advocate and in 2013 brought together the subcontractors who protested against Seviép for his unpaid accounts receivable. According to the Délmagyar report, Bálint Szabó reappeared in the vicinity of Fidesz in 2014, when Viktor Orbán laid the foundation stone for the laser research center, ELI-ALPS, in Szeged. Led by Bálint Szabó, the merchants of the Cserepes line had been protesting for weeks against the increase in the City Council’s rent.

He allegedly went to the mayor’s office, where he grabbed one of the female employees who worked there and then shoved him. He was later prosecuted on suspicion of harassment.

But he has also had surprising performances in recent years. In the spring of 2020, he crossed his car at one of the intersections in Szeged to stop local public transport and prevent the epidemic. In 2019, he lost a lawsuit against Mayor László Botka in connection with the Szeviép case and had to pay a complaint fee of 1 million HUF.

The Gyurcsánys learned the story of the Weekly Response in autumn

If he does not provide evidence, an ethical procedure will be initiated against Bálint Szabó. He will probably be expelled from the game.
