Index – Domestic – The police also opposed Gyula due to the spread of horror


Dávid Sajó

05/13/2020. 12:40

Like the 64-year-old lucky man, police again arrested an opposition in Gyula for spreading horror, writes Magyar Narancs. Jánosért daw-Szucs, Gyula Kossuth Circle vezetőjéért five local policemen in two cars were shot. According to the indictment, the man was wanted for his post on a Facebook group in Gyula, and his computer and mobile phone were confiscated, among other things.

According to the prosecution, the csoka-Szucs registry was contested on the issue on April 20, when it was held at Gyula Hadházy’s dudálós protest against inhumane hospital restructuring and epidemiological secrecy. According to the Hungarian orange, the man was sent to the police because

The Gyula Akos Hadházy car show wrote on their community site, then shared a single sentence about the Szucs’ Gyulai chocolate-free chat censorship. “That phrase read:” 1,170 beds were also emptied in Gyula. “

In doing so, the police said it jeopardized the effectiveness of the defense in an emergency, whatever that means. Jackdaw-Szucs does not understand what commitment at all, since the time of the hospital Nicholas Kásler Gyula declared the epidemic as a hospital, releasing beds in 1200, but the kihasználatlanságtól with tolls of the institution before April 20 and after. The article also revealed that csoka-Szucs wanted to speak to two of the Momentum EP representatives at the police station on the phone and then released him, but the police did not assist the disabled in accessing their home.
