Index – Domestic – The Orbán government intervenes, a thousand listed properties can be put on the market in El Castillo


The Orbán government would lift the decision that prohibits the privatization of apartments in Budavár. With this

More than 1,000 listed properties could be put on the market, with a total value of HUF 50-100 billion.

After the regime change, local governments sold almost 800 billion HUF in real estate for 137 billion HUF Népszava wrote.
However, the situation in Budavár is illustrated by the 1994 Metropolitan Property Transfer Committee decision, which made the Castle District apartments part of the inalienable fixed asset of the local government, said the winner of the Dialogue.
District I
mayor to the newspaper.

An attempt was made to compensate for the decision by making the leases a “perpetual lease”, meaning that the declared family member could take over the apartment after the tenant’s death, even if they had never lived there before. Rent was ranked in the significantly lower social category, so the monthly rent for a 70-square-meter castle apartment does not necessarily exceed HUF 22,000.

Márta V. Naszályi promised in the municipal elections that she would take the initiative that those who could not do so before could also buy their rental property, since

maintaining rental housing means a loss of 500 million a year for the district.

His program also included a review of social rights and income differentiation, which could evenThey could jump to 120 thousand florins. However, the affected tenants presented several petitions and Fidesz also accepted their case.

At the same time, Gergely Gulyás, head of the Prime Minister’s Office, raised the issue of allowing the privatization of the castle floors. The wallet said

there is no reason to differentiate between the properties of the Castle.

The mayor, on the other hand, fears that a
Mass privatization could result in large-scale population exchanges and takeovers by investors in Buda Castle, which he does not consider desirable.
