Index – Domestic – The mask is mandatory in Parliament, Fidesz punishes offenders


There are no exceptions, the mandatory masking rules also apply to members of parliament. In the bathrooms of office buildings, in elevators, in corridors, in common areas, as well as in the use of buffets and restaurants, the use of a mask is mandatory when queuing.

Máté Kocsis, the faction leader of the main ruling party, told Blikk that measuring body temperature is not mandatory, but is strongly recommended to his representatives. – Failure to do so will result in the imposition of a fine on the member in question. This also applies to the use of a mask and hand disinfection, the politician said.

Dialogue does not punish, but verbally warns reluctant parliamentarians.

“The Dialogue Group has decided that members and their staff both in Parliament and in members’ office buildings should wear a face mask and measure their body temperature when they enter,” Deputy Leader Olivio Kocsis-Cake told the newspaper. of the party group.

The MSZP forces its representatives to wear a mask indoors, even in the meeting room, the mask is mandatory on Jobbik and DK as well.

However, no parliamentary faction requires its members to undergo a coronavirus test.
