Index – Domestic – The coronavirus Péter Szijjártó does not go down, works in a home office


As Péter Szijjártó, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, received the coronavirus at work, according to the general rules, a politician could be prescribed a 15-day sick leave, which could receive 70 percent of the fee. In the absence of his employer, Dr. Sára Viszló is a labor lawyer.

Home office-ban

I enter the pandemic with milder symptoms.

– reported about his condition on the Facebook page of Péter Szijjártó, who said that modern technology allows him to work with coronavirus. He immediately picked up the phone and called Russia’s Health Minister Mikhail Murasko to ask about the development of the Russian vaccine. At the same time, it also emerged from the foreign minister’s community that he was taking medicine and vitamins, but his wife’s broth was the real cure. However, in the video on his page, according to our editorial team, he looks skinnier than usual.

The chancellor recovers from his family, in official quarantine. According to the rules of epidemiological segregation, you must spend at least 14 days there. His wife and children were also tested, and all three tested negative.

Ministers are also subject to the obligation to quarantine.

Péter Szijjártó became infected with the virus during his working visit to Asia, and his virus test was positive in Bangkok. Before that, he visited Cambodia, where half the government was quarantined because they met with Szijjártó. According to the news, no one was infected by the Hungarian Foreign Minister.

Péter Szijjártó receives 1,979,400 HUF per month for serving as minister. To this must be added the parliamentary fees, which amount to 891,000 HUF. The net salary of a politician without discounts is 1,892,000 HUF net, if sent on sick leave, he would receive only 1,324,400 HUF. If the politician were sent on sick leave, then he would be entitled (after 15 days) to sickness benefits from the social security fund. If they were found to be incapacitated, no email could be sent to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Commerce.

He threatened foreign workers who wanted to work from home with a bribe.

And also those who want to play “unionized”.
