Index – Domestic – The cold apartment is the most difficult for children to bear


Patrik Berki and his family have been in quarantine since last Wednesday. A red call on the fence indicates no entry or entry. This formulated border closure is more challenging than ever for the family living in Szendrő.

Cecília Müller is national medical director Although months ago, during the first wave of the epidemic, it attracted the attention of the population to have enough food at home for at least two weeks,

This is unsolvable for a family of 19.

None of the family members tested positive by health professionals, but because one of Patrik’s high school teachers contracted the virus, the entire family is forced to stay home. The food supply is still resolved, because relatives and people on the street buy more in the store and leave it in front of the gate.

A bigger problem is the gas bottle, without which they can’t even cook paprika fries for the six children. And there are not many options for other hot dishes, as a representative of the Romani National Self-Government arrived with a large bag of French fries and many onions. This should get them out of the two week quarantine. The cramped living space in the cold little apartment is the hardest for children to bear. They don’t understand why they can’t play together with their teammates running down the street. Although it was exciting for them when the professionals showed up and sampled the adults, now they are bored with their little yard. Their sense of comfort worsens having to wear more and more clothes in addition to being locked up.

The heating season has started, but not with them

It is necessary to remove the warm clothes from the closet because the nights are colder. While the convenience of district heating can sometimes be challenging, once it is turned on, it makes life carefree for city dwellers. However, winter was approaching, always worryingly depressing for many villagers.

Patrik and his family also heat firewood, like almost everyone in town. Already when there is wood. Now the situation caused by the quarantine seems to be resolved; the Roma national self-government was able to order firewood for the family worth HUF 50,000, so the party could end in a few days. The working adult members of the family tried in vain to resolve the situation themselves:

His employer refused to pay an advance to the struggling family.

According to 2011 data from the CSO, wood heating is very common. Most homes have gas heating (central heating, gas heating and individual heating of rooms with gas), 44 percent. This is followed by individual warm-up. Almost one in five homes is heated with coal, wood or oil, as is the case in Szendrő. Most of them are forced to overwinter in southern Transdanubia (32.4 percent) and northern Hungary (27.3).

Antal Mezei helps in this situation. The leader of the non-governmental organization operating in Héhalom has been able to help warm nearly fifty families with free firewood over the years.

“I save families from spending at least 60-70 thousand florins. And although that amount is not enough to warm all winter, it can even last a mild winter. so the money for heating can be spent on children or meals. “

However, many thousands of families are not so lucky. This year, those who held out for the number of days were not only unable to save money due to the epidemic, but many were already in debt at the start of school in September. Then for them

“The approach of winter causes children to catch colds soon, they have to be taken to the doctor several times, but they no longer even go to the pharmacy: they know they cannot refill the prescribed pills.”

This was already said by Csaba Beri, one of the representatives of the local government of Szendrő. He is aware of the difficulties that the heating season causes to every two families in the city, but he can do nothing.


“We recently had a board meeting where we made a decision on a social tender for firewood that we won from the Ministry of the Interior. We also received support from the ministry this year, but we still have to wait with the allocation of the 1,100 cubic meters of wood needed. Until then, two options remain: if it doesn’t fire, they will freeze it or fix it as they know. “

As it turned out, the forest near the settlement had been taken countless times by the police to those who wanted to collect a wooden “shoulder”.

This year, Jenő Ádám de Szendró did the same. The 56-year-old was unable to set the sparhelt on fire in the spring, so he wanted to collect some trees from the nearby forest. Today he regretted it for the kmb (district commissioned police officer) he was in the breach, so the man who returned warmed up in prison for three days, then was fined a hundred thousand forints under an expedited procedure.

According to the general secretary of the National Association of Local Governments (TÖOSZ), the situation is more worrying year after year. The Secretary General presented in detail the possibility of requesting social firewood: this year, under the conditions of the Ministry of the Interior, local governments with less than five thousand people could apply until August 31, 2020.

The local government could request a maximum of two cubic meters of forest / supply in the case of hardwood firewood and a maximum of three cubic meters of forest in supply of softwood for firewood.

Once the applications have been evaluated, it will only be possible to purchase firewood from forest holdings and distribute it until early next year.

According to the Secretary General, this situation will not last long.

He sees the biggest problem in lack of self-care:

“The amount of fuel that you receive as a subsidy is far from being enough to cover the total amount of fuel for a heating season, it is really just additional social support in addition to your own fuel purchase. In other words, the self-sufficiency of the recipient is an inescapable factor, the purchase of fuel must also be ensured, which you can do earlier, in the summer months, before the start of the heating season. Affected residents are also aware of this,

and they also know that winter alone cannot survive the social support of firewood

– closes your thoughts dr. Ferenc Gyergyák.

Zabar: where winter can last half a year

State aid is also available in Zabar, one of the coldest settlements in the country. Many have already set fire to the stove this year. The settlement’s mayor, Ferencz Nándor Lajos, said: 30-35 disadvantaged families can buy wood each year with the amount earned.

“With this, if handled wisely, they can last up to a month and a half or two. Cold air easily settles in the frozen valley and stays there for days. Here, the thermometer can show up to five degrees Celsius less than in other parts of the country. “

However, the locals are careful to heat their homes with only firewood in addition to piped gas.

In most settlements, they don’t watch what goes into the stove when the wood runs out. So

It is also not uncommon for smoke from household waste to come out of the chimney.

Municipalities and the Air Task Force have for years drawn the public’s attention to the harmful physiological effects of waste incineration, which not only contribute to increased air pollution but can even shorten people’s lives by years.

All of this leaves Beri Patricks or many thousands of other families cold when they are cold.

Cover image: MTI Photographer: Czeglédi Zsolt
