Index – Domestic – The billionth VIII. due to the withdrawal of the András Pikó and Máté Kocsis district


It is attacked in strong messages in VIII. The opposition mayor of the district and a member of Fidesz’s parliament due to the withdrawal of more than a billion HUFs from Józsefváros to defend against the epidemic. According to Mayor András Pikó, Máté Kocsis and Fidesz betrayed and disappointed the district, and according to Máté Kocsis, András Pikó slips while squandering district properties.

In early May, the Home Office notified the district that the government would reallocate HUF 1 trillion 125 million in development aid to Józsefváros to control the epidemic. Originally, the district used this money for the development of nurseries and kindergartens, for the development of the Mihály Horváth Square and for the development of the Semmelweis II University. He would have spent on the development of the parking lot in front of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic No., public security developments and municipal housing rental developments. Mayor András Pikó considered the extension of the withdrawal to be extremely disproportionate, as the government has spent HUF 9 billion in sports subsidies since the emergency declaration. Pikó had previously called for the resignation of Máté Kocsis, a member of the district’s Fidesz parliament, due to the withdrawal.

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Máté Kocsis, who is also the leader of the Fidesz faction, said in a video statement on Wednesday: András Pikó, the district’s “pseudo-civilian” mayor, criticized Józsefváros’ support as he slipped, bringing people together and was silent about the government’s support of a billion forints.

According to Kocsis, the fund for the control of epidemics is based on a joint load, in which the multis, the financial sector, the parties and local governments also had to participate. 95 percent of the expenses are covered by the government with its own budget and the remaining 5 percent with the rest. The cabinet has reallocated unused municipal subsidies to the epidemic control fund. According to Kocsis, András Pikó claims to be false when he speaks of withdrawal, and the district newspaper erroneously wrote that the billion forints were in VIII. The district must pay. Józsefváros does not have to pay a billion, because this money was never in the district, Kocsis declared. The faction leader also noted that the money in question continued to be pressed by him for former Fidesz mayor Sára Botond’s programs last year.

Kocsis also reported that he had written a letter to the Interior Ministry, and the wallet’s response revealed that András Pikó had not withdrawn this money from the government in February or March, that is, before the epidemic, although it could have. He noted: András Pikó knew of this amount since July last year, but after his election he did not take any steps to prepare the necessary decisions, nor did he include support in the district budget for this year. “I pressed for this money, we got it, and András Pikó rushed to look for it, and now he is still outraged (…), he is constantly attacking, although nothing else turned out, except that the mayor’s jacket is big for him”, Kocsis said.

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On Thursday, András Pikó responded with documents to Kocsis’s accusations or, as the ad’s title says, “the three lies of Máté Kocsis”:

  1. Máté Kocsis’s statement that the local government would not have taken steps to use development funds is not true. The reality, on the other hand, is that it can be documented that the municipality had to urge the competent Ministry of the Interior. Due to the government delay, the process could not start until February 21. Related letters can be downloaded from the municipality’s website.
  2. Máté Kocsis’s statement that the district did not take into account the central budget resources previously allocated to Józsefváros is not true. The central budget lines are detailed in the introduction to the adopted district budget, page 6. The document It can be downloaded from the municipality’s website.
  3. It is not true that Máté Kocsis was not wanted by district leaders. As mayor of Józsefváros, I sent you an official letter on March 25, in which, as a member of the district parliament, I requested an association for the benefit of the people of Józsefváros. This letter is also publicly available on the Mayor’s Facebook page.

András Pikó also wrote: As mayor, it is your job to protect the troubled population of the district. It is regrettable that the member of the pro-government parliament in Józsefváros and the local representatives of Fidesz do not see their own duties and responsibilities. Instead, they’ve been trying for a week to explain how Józsefváros’s billion 125 million forints were taken without being taken.

This money belonged to the town of Józsefváros: if it had not been theirs, the government would not have had to decide to take it. All other side effects. For a long time, the people of Józsefváros will remember how the government and Fidesz betrayed them and disappointed them in the biggest problems.

(Cover image: Panel houses in Józsefváros. Photo: János Bődey / Index)
