On Sunday, the direction of the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts (SZFE) highlighted in a statement that the vice-chancellor and chancellor regulations issued previously remain in force and the autumn recess at the university has officially begun. The first business day will be October 27, 2020. The Communication also addresses that
Whoever remains in the SZFE facilities during the autumn holidays without special permission from the Chancellor does so at their own risk, assuming all the consequences.
Previously, SZFE students sent a video to Gábor Szarka as the new chancellor in response to the fact that he declared the tank republic as a private initiative and appointed László Upor, former vice chancellor, and Mihály Csernai, president of SZFE student self-government.
On Friday, Gábor Szarka ordered everyone to leave the SZFE building on Vas and Szentkirályi streets. for maintenance and disinfection, but this did not work, the students announced that they would maintain the lock. They even managed to recover the Old Dry Stage from which they were previously excluded, and on Saturday
the Rákóczi út building was also taken.
(Cover Image: Attila Trenka / Index)