Index – Domestic – SZFE Instructors: we renounce the leadership position, not teaching


The college faculty said

During their notice period, that is, until the end of September, they commit to continue teaching at the institution to keep the university running, to assist in the smooth transition, as this serves the interests of the students, which is sacred and inviolable for them.

As they said

They did not give up teaching, but the leadership position.

They also highlighted that so far, in fact, in the last 15 years there have been no substantive consultations, no negotiations. According to the leadership that resigned, this is the largest gap between the “two sides.”

🔴 The management of the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts held a press conference on the debates with Attila Vidnyánszky

Posted by – Wednesday, September 2, 2020

As we wrote, both the leadership and the senator announced their resignation on Monday after it was revealed that the university had been booked by the foundation and that Attila Vidnyánszky, chairman of the board of directors, had already signed the new basic documents of the university.

The students barricaded themselves in the SZFE building, holding a press conference every day of the week, which reveals:

They will not give up until their demands are met.

In the evening there was a peaceful reading of live chain poems organized by young poets and artists in front of the building of the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts out of solidarity. According to our colleagues’ field coverage, about three hundred gathered and then Vas Street filled up.

He organized a poetry reading in front of the university building. It was started by the poet Martin Simon

Force does not give birth to justice

with a quote. They were followed by Simon Martin, the poets Lajos Parti Nagy and Péter Závada, but anyone can stand at the microphone to recite a poem of their own or of another poet.


SZFE: Wednesday night’s demonstration ended with a joint chant

Artists, poets, students sang together for university freedom / Video: Index – Matsinhe Dénes

Simultaneously to the demonstration, Attila Vidnyánszky told M5 Híradó: they do not agree on many things, they see many things differently, but the parties agreed that education should start next week and that classes should be fluid in comparison with the situation.

It was said in M5 News that Attila Vidnyánszky would also like to meet the students, the door is open for them.

On Wednesday evening, the board of directors of the Foundation for Theater and Film Arts sent a statement to the MTI in which “He is pleased to note that the leaders of the University of Theater and Cinematic Arts (SZFE) have accepted the invitation to today’s meeting, thus initiating a dialogue between the maintainer and the university.”

As they write, it was clear at the meeting that the university leaders will perform their leadership roles in September, ensure the start of education, operate the buildings and ensure that the institution operates in accordance with the law.

The board of trustees has confirmed that all the university professors will be able to continue with their work and that the identity of the department heads will not be modified.

The announcement also indicates that he signed his new contract on Wednesday, so current SZFE Chancellor Lajos Vonderviszt will continue his work.

“The board of directors calls on the students of the university to fully comply with the hygiene standards, to take care of their own physical integrity and that of their colleagues and their health. The board of directors is still open to consultation with the students”. included in the Communication.

(Cover Image: Attila Trenka / Index)
