Index – Domestic – Szeged should be selected from cancer patients


“We have reached the level where (decreasing even more of our already scarce staff) from next week only the number of staff will remain in the clinic, with whom we can only provide urgent interventions and treatments, which almost save lives”, writes the Department of Urology, University of Szeged.

This is preceded by a crisis meeting on Saturday, and the situation at the Covid Epidemic Center worsens by the day, so more and more specialists must be reassigned and also assigned emergency care for urological patients hospitalized at Szentes Hospital. .

Now, according to the rules, in the current situation, we have to select from our emergency or tumor-bearing patients according to severity, urgency of care, or whether further deferral represents a serious or direct threat to their life. .

– emphasized in the post Zoltán Bajory, the director of the urology clinic, noting that he had developed an internal protocol with his staff so that they could attend to patients in the safest possible way in the coming weeks of crisis.

Meanwhile, the RTL Club Newsletter He recalled that Judit Fendler, rector of the University of Szeged, still spoke on Thursday that emergency care was provided. Although they approached the university to ask management questions, they did not respond to the request.
