Index – Domestic – Rents will not be raised in the Ócsa urbanization from January


The Ócsa urbanization was built to help families who filed for bankruptcy due to overdue foreign currency loans, based on a decision made by the Orbán government in 2011. Originally, Nemzeti Eszközkezelő Zrt. He was the owner of the residential park. According to the first plans, 500 residential houses would have been built in an area of ​​66 hectares, but only 80 were completed, which is very expensive compared to the real estate prices of the time, for a total of HUF 2.7 billion. An average residential park with a wood-fired house built on the outskirts of Ócsa cost as much as two apartments in Budapest at the time. At least

the rent was really favorable, residents had to pay only 16-21 thousand florins depending on the size of the house.

In addition, the house also has a thousand square meters of land (garden).

The investment has been widely criticized since its inception. It was built so expensive that with so much power and so much public spending, families in a difficult situation could have stayed in their own homes, and the trauma of bankruptcy could have been more easily borne in their own normal living environment. Some said billions should have been spent to renovate the local government social rental housing stock and relocate families in distress. Therefore, in cities with rental housing, it would have been easier to find work for those in trouble.

In the Ócsa residential park – in addition, so that only 80 houses have been built – there is rarely a bus and jobs are more difficult to reach than in any district of the capital. This is the case, even if the number of local flights has tripled compared to the situation before the construction of the residential park.

Tenders for the first floors were announced in the summer of 2013, the residential park was finally filled at the end of 2014, now approx. 350 people live there.

As previously reported, as of January 1, 2019, the municipality of Ócsa took control of the social housing development from the hands of the National Asset Manager, which was liquidated in the meantime, and promised not to raise the very favorable rental of residential buildings for two years. Families who lost their homes due to their overdue foreign currency loan paid just 16-21 thousand florins as rent in a residential park being built on a literally new investment. The moratorium will expire on January 1, 2021, and the Ócsa City Council will be able to enforce the rent payment regulations in force in the settlement for the residents of the residential park as of that date.

In addition to taking into account the size of the residential property, the municipality also examines social need based on the family’s financial situation and income conditions. For example, if the total income of parents with income in a family of four does not reach HUF 230,000 per month, they are entitled to the category of social tenants, if they exceed this figure but do not reach HUF 340,000 per month, they are Yes the two parents earn more than 340 thousand florins, they must pay market rent.

We learned from Károly Bukodi, mayor of Ócsa, that the rent change after the end of the emergency ordered by the government affected a total of 72 families out of 80 in the urbanization, since a house is used by the Charity Service of Malta and seven families have already been Ordinance of 2017 on the lease of apartments and non-residential premises of municipal ownership. That is, it was valid for them because 7 families moved to the urbanization after January 2019, after the municipality concluded a contract with the National Asset Manager for the transfer of the urbanization. The mayor also said that based on the summary of the requests covered by the regulation so far, 22 families pay market rent once the emergency is over, 15 of them tenants were included in this classification only for the original term of September 30. and the extended term. no social rental application was submitted until the October 15 deadline. A total of 11 tenants were placed in the cost-based rental classification, while 27 tenants will have to pay the lowest social rent. A further 12 applications are being processed due to deficiencies.

Depending on the size of the dwelling, tenants classified in the market category are between 60 and 84 thousand HUF, in the cost category 35-49 thousand, while socially classified tenants will pay 25-35 thousand HUF in rent from January.

In other words, those who live in the smallest house, if they are entitled to pay a social rent due to their income, they must pay 25,000 HUF instead of 16,000 HUF, while those who live in the largest house, if they have to pay a market rent because of their income, they must pay HUF 84,000 instead of HUF 21,000. they have to spend HUF to rent. This actually translates to a significant more than triple increase in rents in your case. At the same time, it is also true that although they can rent a house with wood heating in a social settlement on the outskirts of Ócsa, they only receive a 1,000 square meter plot. But these families, in most cases through no fault of their own, have lost their homes, moved to the urbanization years ago due to their already poor social situation, and the burden of the triple rent increases will be difficult to handle even in difficult times due to the coronavirus epidemic.

(Cover image: Houses in the Ócsa residential park on July 3, 2013. Photo: Tamás Kovács / MTI)
