Index – Domestic – Relief is also arriving in Pest County, not yet in Budapest


Our article is being updated.

The government also met for twelve hours on Wednesday, Gergely Gulyás, head of the Prime Minister’s Office, said Thursday in the government’s information.

It was found here that 64 days after the emergency declaration, the number of infected and dead people is decreasing, as the country has complied with the regulations. The minister especially thanked the people of Budapest and Pest County, who complied with these despite the fact that they had already been relieved in the rest of the country.

According to Gulyás, the loosening did not lead to massive infections in the field, most of the more recent infections are still found in and around the capital.

The government decided on Wednesday not to change the common rules that are mandatory for everyone, with a distance of one and a half meters and with a mask still mandatory.

Pest County is considered to be equivalent to the other counties from now on, relief will arrive here from Monday, not yet in Budapest.

The mayors of Budapest have been consulted and have until three in the afternoon to send it. Based on the virologists’ recommendations, they will decide what relief may also be available in Budapest.

You can watch the live stream from government information here, the article continues below.

According to Gulyás, it can already be seen that more mitigation measures are needed in the field. Where the change is deemed appropriate:

  • in the closed part of the interior, stays in restaurants, cafeterias, confectioneries will be allowed, but workers will be required to wear a mask and people will also be required to wear the mask, to maintain an adequate safety distance,
  • Starting Monday, the parks and playgrounds in the open area can also be visited in the field, and
  • Hotels and pensions can receive guests, observing the protection distance.

Gergely Gulyás also spoke about the fact that on Wednesday the government discussed other important issues related to the European Union. The decision of the German Constitutional Court was already known yesterday. His opinion, if you read this decision, you will see that it has enshrined extremely important principles. They can say that the law of the European Union has priority, but this is only possible in the exercise of shared competence.

The government discussed Thursday’s debate on the European Union, which is “a witch hunt, a conceptual procedure where the verdict was written in advance,” Gulyás said, saying that Minister Judit Varga was unable to speak for Viktor Orbán, despite that the communists allowed him to do it.

St. King Alexandra also covered weddings and gaps. In connection with this, it was decided that from June 1 in all counties except Budapest Weddings and lagzi for up to 200 people. with the proper safety distance.

Answers to press questions:

  • There may be children’s camps, but you cannot sleep there. At the end of the month, the government will decide if there can be camps where they can sleep there as well.
  • There will definitely be no schooling until June 2, no more decisions have been made yet.
  • Regarding Gergely Karácsony’s Budapest Restart Plan, Gulyás said this lengthy material was created so as not to have to make a clear and unequivocal statement about the mayor’s support for the opening in Budapest, and he did not try to reduce the essence of this plan. Christmas accused him of this, too, but there are mayors in Budapest who have clearly described his views on openness.
  • The decision of the Mansion is binding on everyone in Hungary, it must be followed, Gulyás reacted to the judgment of the Mansion in Gyöngyöspata. However, they disagree with the verdict, “it is an unfair verdict where there are only losers,” said the minister. “Even those who do not receive compensation in education, also those who are outraged today in Gyöngyöspata, that serious compensation can be received in such a case, which is why there is room for amendments. Those who have initiated this procedure have created irresponsible situations. “In the future, a legislative amendment could be adopted that” offers almost a nature, if education is compromised, it must be compensated by education. “
  • The government has tried to ensure that those whose jobs are not currently working, such as teachers and kindergarten teachers, can also be paid, but some municipalities have transferred such workers to the care of the elderly, for example.
  • Gulyás spoke about the amendment of the law on economic zones in the case of the Samsung factory in Göd, which had been withdrawn from the city and transformed into a special economic zone, and that this step would remedy an old injustice. He explained that the amendment to the legislation only affects the expansion of subsequent investments. It applies to the smallest settlements where investments of more than HUF 5 billion are made. Such higher tax revenues can be distributed among various county municipalities. However, in the case of cities with county and capital status, the distribution is not justified.
  • There is a clear decision regarding the auto tax, which means a total of HUF 34 trillion.
  • The government decided to ban single-use plastics from the market in January, backed by appreciable environmental considerations, but the EU directive also forced the government to do so.
  • It is not true that hospitals do not receive protective equipment, according to Gulyás. Each hospital has at least ten days of these reserves, and each hospital announces daily to what extent supplies are expected to be depleted and replenished accordingly.
  • There is a consensus everywhere in Europe that the danger of a second wave is serious, with increases that will last a few days. Therefore, medical care must be flexible, so it is essential to maintain the measures that can be expected. It is no longer necessary to keep the beds unoccupied, but you have the power to do so so that if there is a problem at any time, action can be takenGulyás answered the question from the Index, according to which: Does the new system of patient care and the designation of the two epidemiological hospitals in Budapest, and some more in the field, also mean that the institutions can readmit patients in hospital beds? Unoccupied hospital across the country in the past few weeks? Will these beds have to be released again in the event of another epidemic?
  • Gulyás answered the Index’s question that there are dozens of proceedings underway due to the spread of terror news, and 27 proceedings are currently underway due to the threat of public danger. In one of the most publicized cases, “if the press information is accurate, the prosecution said that there was no crime. This occurs in a state governed by the rule of law, if an authority makes a mistake, there is liability for damages. It is also a request from the government to act only in the most justified cases, “said Gulyás.
  • Even the journalist most hostile to the government is missing, Gulyás reacted when press conferences were able to be held again, which journalists were able to attend in person. The Minister personally would be happy if this could happen as soon as possible and go back to the previous frame, he supports this.
  • If Romania were a strong state, he and the state would be enriched by the fact that it has strong nationalities, including Hungarians. If you are a selfish nationalist, then no. According to Gulyás, the Hungarian nation is also part of Romania.
  • An emergency is necessary because it involves restrictions that the government could not do in normal times. The epidemic situation gives you a reason for this, Hungarian politics agreed to this. It is not disputed that this is still necessary, they hope that in the shortest possible time, maybe i will know at the end of june to give the government a state of emergency, Goulash said.
  • Investments in the draft Modern Cities Program are underway, and they are also trying to open up the widest possible framework by planning next year’s budget, but it also depends on this year’s economic performance, the minister said.
  • In one day, more than 15,000 people applied for government-paid basic IT training, which was launched due to job loss. If someone does, they can continue training with a one hundred percent subsidy.
  • According to Gulyás, the tenant and the landlord can enter into other agreements in addition to the contract. “If someone turns to a lawyer, the specialist will more or less tell them what mitigation might be involved,” said the minister.
  • In the field, stores can now be open all day, so the damage that has occurred in the past two months can now be mitigated to some degree.
  • When the epidemic threat increased, the country had 2,700 to 2,800 ventilators, of whom 800 to 900 were busy (including anesthesia machines). Virologists and mathematicians have said that if the epidemic does not slow down, in the worst case, 8000-8500 fans will be needed. The government acted responsibly because it did its best to buy fans, but there was high market demand and low supply. Most could be taken from China. Today, the number of fans that can be used is close to 5,000, but even that is not all, because the incoming machines are first cleared through customs and then doctors check to see if they work well, so this will expand with these and will reach 8,000. number, Goulash said.
  • Free parking has been ordered during the emergency and its abolition is not yet considered justified. According to Gulyás, it will be justified to maintain this condition until the end of the emergency.
  • The Trianon Monument has been completed, but is likely to open in August, not June 4.
  • “Hungary is ready and able to defend its own external borders, the government will continue to represent this in Europe, if Europe loses this ability, they would like to migrate here en masse.” Once we have experienced this, a second time would be good to avoid it, “said Gulyás.
  • The signing of the European Citizen Initiative initiated by the Szekler National Council (SZNT) will last for a few months, according to Gulyás.
  • Opinions differ on the economic downturn, and the government plans according to its own forecast. There is also no consensus within the government on the extent of the recession in Hungary. The official opinion belongs to the Minister of Finance, who expects an economic decline of 3 percent, which is also planned based on that, Gulyás said.

The Index sent these questions to Gergely Gulyás:

  • How does Minister Gergely Gulyás evaluate the news of the last days, according to which the police leave based on the opinions published on the personal pages of Facebook and prosecute people on suspicion of spreading terror news? On this basis, can Alexandra Szentkirályi’s “misinterpretation” of the people’s journey from Budapest to the countryside and Gergely Gulyás’s statement about the possibilities of infection and infection of those in government information also be considered horror?
  • Does the new patient care system and the appointment of two epidemiological hospitals in Budapest, and some more in the field, also mean that institutions can readmit patients into hospital beds that have been vacated across the country in recent years? weeks? Will these beds have to be released again in the event of another epidemic?
  • According to previous government information, the condition for lifting restrictions in the capital and Pest counties is the development of the epidemic situation in the nursing homes in Budapest. How has the rate of new infections and deaths in nursing homes and social institutions changed in the last week, how many new cases have been registered in the last seven days and in how many institutions?
  • Based on the results of the national transfection research of the universities so far, Béla Merkely, President of the University of Semmelweis, stated: There is no epidemic in Hungary. Based on the results, is it justified to maintain the epidemiological emergency?
