Index – Domestic – Politics infected Budapest even stronger than the virus


If someone in early March had thought that the new coronavirus epidemic, which threatened a social, economic and health tragedy and practically destroyed Italy, would not be dominated by politics, it was wrong. And while there were still signs at the start of the epidemic that the opposition and the government could work together, this became an illusion no later than when the cabinet was given an indefinite mandate to regulate the decree, citing the emergency.

However, the political opposition has been concentrated not so much between the opposition parties and Fidesz, but also between the opposition leaders of Budapest and the government.

At the start of the epidemic, when some Western European countries were already battling the virus, the Hungarian government had not taken the threat too seriously, with the prime minister, for example, opposing closing schools until the last minute. , while the opposition urged closings.

Fidesz then took a 180-degree turn and pointed out to a regulatory government that the threat and fight against the virus were very high, so it could void the rule of law. It was different from the 2005 migration crisis: on the one hand, it did not affect the economy, people’s daily lives at most directly on the southern border, and on the other hand, experts debated whether illegal immigration represented a security risk such as as reported by the government.

This time, however, there is a small minority of epidemiology experts who say the restrictions are worthless or assure people that this virus is no greater danger than the flu. This can be explained by the fact that almost without exception, governments have decided on austerity, restrictions, even if this is not popular with the people.

At the end of March, Viktor Orbán also announced curfew restrictions, but in practice this did not mean that strict. In Budapest, however, the opposition city government seemed to be in favor of even greater rigor. Just before the long Easter weekend, Budapest decided to close Margaret Island over the weekend, although the same restrictions on Normafa were imposed by the Fidesz-controlled district. Furthermore, not only the districts of Budapest have hardened, but also several rural settlements, where I have a tourist influx on weekends in good weather.

The need to toughen up in Budapest and Pest County was justified by the statistical data. However, we had to wait for these data until April 1, because only then did the Operational Tribe publish the infection data in the regional breakdown, when the public (and also the Budapest administration) discovered that almost half of those infected were in the capital. Based on the Easter experience, the weekend restrictions were kept later: Margit Island remained closed between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays, so the runners, who strictly adhered to the ten-meter following distance, were only allowed to leave early in the morning and at dusk to play sports. The same was true for the island of Óbuda. As of April 27, you can only travel on BKK flights with your face covered in a scarf, scarf or mask, this decision was made by the city administration following the example of Vienna.

The biggest political conflict between Christmas and the government was over the old people’s home in Pest. First, medical director Cecília Müller pointed out that everything was not found to be in order in the institution administered by the local government of the capital, then Prime Minister Viktor Orbán began to mention the responsibility of Gergely Karácsony, and finally the pro-government press attacked Mayor. Since then, the responsibility comes and goes between serving both parties, with the latest news that an investigation has been launched into the matter. (According to the latest information, there are 305 infected people in the home.)

The government (and the Operational Tribe) have communicated “modestly” about epidemics from the start, and that’s a subtle term. He did not answer many questions, he selected what information to disclose and what information to retain. For example, in the case of reluctant Iranians at St. Ladislaus Hospital, he proved particularly eloquent, but was already silenced when, at the same time, a Hungarian patient waved a knife and threatened the nurses.

But he was also involved in a controversial communication on medical matters: There was a time when the Operational Tribe was still explicitly opposed to non-sick people wearing masks, while today it is a requirement almost everywhere. However, it is also true that around the world, experts around the new coronavirus have often made conflicting claims, due in part to the fact that they knew very little about it at first.

While the government withheld and withheld information, Budapest leaders used another weapon in political games: it provided information, published internal materials and correspondence, for example, about the nursing home in Pesti út. It also didn’t help with clairvoyance and it was like two litigants convincing a third of the truth as they pull court allegations out of a large pile of files.

To make matters worse, although people rely heavily on experts, the government has assumed so much control over institutions that previously believed themselves to be independent over the past decade that many opponents no longer trust these bodies, professional leaders, regardless anyway. , regardless of whether these organizations or their representatives carry out their work from a professional point of view.

Although this is basically a health problem, but since existence, industries are at stake, not only that. And people don’t choose politicians as decision makers to make uncertain decisions or make perfect decisions, especially when there is a crisis. So it may have happened that while science is groping (groping) in the dark, politics must provide black and white answers, even if it has no idea of ​​the future. Although biostatisticians do not know the impact of a measure (at most, they can only model certain options, practically without risk), politicians have to pretend to know the answer, otherwise they seem weak and incompetent.

In such a situation, the government has a competitive advantage over the opposition, as even the opposition, which also works with health experts, can only make decisions in the possession of credible information, but this information is from the state. If the government withholds the data, experts who are not near the fire are more likely to make mistakes, making the opposition also appear incompetent.

Gergely Karácsony, for example, emphasized the importance of mass testing, while it was obvious that fewer tests were conducted in Hungary than in other European countries. Like any other idea, there is a political trap to this. Now, for example, that it was precisely because of the massive tests that the infection was low, one could even smile at those who previously had swords over expensive tests, while it was precisely the test results that were needed to discover which one. it is the real situation now.

Both the government and the opposition may have been aware that the restriction, while necessary, could not be maintained for long because the people would have had enough after a while. While many initially urged schools to be closed for fear of the virus, relief is now also required in many cases because of existential fear, fear of irreversible damage to farm beans. For this, both the government and the opposition must adapt. In this regard, the opposition is not in an easy position: it leads the most infected city, so it cannot allow an outside observer to make a statement simply and safely while being disadvantaged against the government, as it has the hands tied to many matters. decide when to end curfew restrictions in the capital.

Christmas was already at the end of April, when he spoke about the fact that wearing masks on BKK flights was already a kind of preparation to liberate society a little better.

Sooner or later, the city will have to operate with more degrees of freedom than it is now, because life simply cannot be stopped, and if we really are on top, there is hospital capacity and there is evidence, it is good to let society out. gradually from its current limitations.

– He said.

After the government decided in late April to lift the curfew across the country, which has been in place since the end of March, but the curfew is still in place in Budapest and Pest County, many felt that the government He punished residents of the opposition-led capital. This is also a question to which the logic of the chariot field can provide two answers. Those who saw Fidesz’s revenge on this could refer to Fejér County as it is the second most infected county outside of Pest, however the restriction was lifted there. But those who saw this as a purely professional matter also found support: In contrast to the countryside, Budapest was densely populated, making it a reasonable decision to maintain the restriction.

The numbers alone don’t mean anything, you can read anything from the statistics, and this is good for politics too, as everyone can find data in the data to back up their own truth. There are currently 1,089 active infections in Budapest and Pest County, and 720 in the field. The number of people recovered is 636 in Budapest and Pest County, while it is 466. In rural areas, 340 people have died in Budapest and Pest County, and 90 in rural areas.

A few days ago, the mayor of Budapest also started talking about the Budapest reboot. According to the mayor, it is worth planning the return of Budapest to the old wheelbase on the basis of the following points:

  • continuous massive testing, revealing all data;
  • Sick leave should also be granted to those who produce only the mildest symptoms;
  • only anyone can be transferred from one hospital to another, to a social institution or to the home with a negative test;
  • “Sliding” work and education that begins during peak hours.

Capital plans the following measures in its own competence:

  • testing, disclosing all data;
  • delivery of new public spaces to pedestrians and cyclists, further developing public transport;
  • delivery of new public spaces for hospitality;
  • use of digital tools to relieve congestion;
  • mask control.

The 15-page document is available at this link. It establishes, among other things:

Under the proposal, workers would have the right to work from home in an emergency if they could carry out the tasks that stem from their work from there. And when the epidemic ends, workers, like vacations, can claim to work from home.

They also say they can leave the dock car-free on weekends, continue to create low-traffic areas, and support opening restaurant terraces. In the long run, the mandatory use of masks can remain in several places:

The condition for reopening restaurants is that staff must wear a mask. When reopening playgrounds, adults should be required to cover their faces

– it is included in the document, which also mentions the need to create new pedestrian areas, but we have to start with public transport, because the epidemic has increased people’s mistrust and the resulting underuse means a loss of almost a billion forints per week for the capital.

(Cover image: Christmas Gergely Lord Mayor. Gergely Gulyás Minister occupying the office of the prime minister and Károly Szita, President of the Association of County Cities, at a press conference on curfew restrictions on April 8, 2020 at the Carmelite Monastery. Photo: János Bődey / Index)
