Index – Domestic – Police deceased: he was sure he was going to die


The policeman, who arrived late to Újpest, spoke about what happened in a shocking video. BRFK posted the video on their Facebook page.

On the morning of December 24, IV. Police received a report from Kassai Street in the district because of the loudspeakers.

One of the outgoing patrols was Peter, who was attacked by the noisy man, stabbed several times with a knife, for which fellow patrol Erika shot him. The man lost his life on the spot.

The injured police officer was treated at a hospital, his condition was life-threatening, but he eventually stabilized. Fighting back tears in his video, Peter said he freaked out when he saw the stab on himself. After making sure his partner was safe, he had in mind to leave the scene as soon as possible and go out into the cold. He also said that he was sure he was going to die, so he called his mother on the phone to say goodbye to him.

Peter also talked about how good he feels compared to the circumstances, but he will probably need a psychologist to process what happened. The case did not dissuade him from his profession, he stated that he wanted to continue working at BRFK.
