One of the Kompolt-Nagyúti Primary School teachers was seriously injured when the parents of a student who had slapped him previously assaulted him at the bus stop, according to a report by RTL Klub Híradó.
It all started with the drawing teacher placing a huge one at the computer school on Friday for the boy, who still had the marks on his face when he met his mother. The relative of a man ran up to the teacher at one of the local bus stops and hit him multiple times, so much so that he broke his nose. For the latter, the Füzesabony Police Headquarters prosecutes two residents of Kompolt for the crime of violence against a person exercising a public function.
The RTL Club managed to speak with the student’s mother, who reported being called by one of her son’s classmates during the day with the news of the art teacher’s slap. When she rushed in front of her son and saw the fear in him with a reddish mark on his face, her mind sank. According to him, the educator only told him that his son was naughty.
Tension in Kompolt is quite high now, wrote the school’s principal, Tamás Kollár, writes Eger Affairs, in a statement, calling on everyone to remain calm and that no one should use social media to incite. On Saturday night, the school indicated on its Facebook page that there would be a teaching break next week.
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