Index – Domestic – Outlook: People are satisfied with government epidemiological measures



05/12/2020. 14:15

Fidesz is popular, with more than 70 percent support due to measures taken to control the coronavirus epidemic, writes the government’s internal pollster, the Perspective Institute.

According to a statement to the MTI, the survey asked thousands of people by phone and found that 54 percent of commissioners would vote for the national Fidesz-KDNP list and 38 percent would vote for parties belonging to opposition alliances in a Sunday election.

On the left

  • Momentum is currently the most popular opposition party with 13 percent support,
  • the Democratic Coalition at 11 percent,
  • and Jobbik at 9 percent,
  • the two-tailed dog party at 6 percent,
  • the MSZP Dialogue at 3%,
  • 2 percent LMP
  • Our Country Movement is 1 percent, according to pro-government research.

They add that government parties are 43 percent popular, or about 3.5 million supporters. Opposition to the opposition coalition is 26 percent, so more than 2 million support them.

According to the point of view, the reason for the popularity of government parties may be that at least two thirds of the population have been satisfied with the government’s measures to combat the coronavirus since the emergency declaration, with 72 percent of Hungarians satisfied and only 23 percent dissatisfied with government decisions, and 41 percent of critical government respondents believe that government action against the epidemic is appropriate.


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