Index – Domestic – Oral karate is back on the green space of City Park


According to the Városliget Building Regulations currently in force, the Városliget renovation construction regulations were established in a government decree published in the latest issue of the Hungarian Gazette. The government did this after Tuesday night, that the Metropolitan Assembly The modification of the building regulations of the Municipal Park and the prevention of the Liget Project were on the agenda of their meeting on Wednesday.

Gergely Karácsony responded to the government’s announcement Tuesday night in a recent Facebook post, saying that the state would reopen the Battle of the City Park with the capital, overwriting both the will of the electorate in Budapest and the word given by the first. Minister.


it comes to us secreting the Secretary of State Fürjes in the morning, ordering a large-scale mobilization of CÖF in the “citizenship” to the General Assembly of Budapest in the morning, requesting the registration of 3 (!) employees in the afternoon and adopting a decree at night. That’s when they’re on duty. From all this, a gratifying fact stems from the fact that, according to them, the government can still make a decision quickly. Just because you haven’t supported her for 7 months in connection with supporting the Chain Bridge renovation. But the point is: as mayor and candidate for mayor of Zugló, I made it very clear that I did not want more concrete in Városliget. In my mayoral program, it literally says: »We guarantee the legal protection of green spaces. We prohibit the transfer of green areas to construction sites ”. This is what the majority of Budapest voted, we are implementing this program.

According to the mayor, this case is like when the real estate mafia put their hand on someone’s land and, without their knowledge and consent, came close to benefiting a stranger on their property. This happened in 2013 with the passage of the City Parks Law. Then imagine everyone going out onto the plot and realizing that a residential park is being grounded by alien figures instead of their walnut, and when you talk about it, the two-door cabinets nicknamed Wrestler and Satu are heading towards it. with a baseball bat. This happened yesterday when the government, by decree, resorted to the inalienable right of the municipality to say on its property what could and could not be built.

Gergely Christmas wrote that according to his calculations

the cost of additional construction of City Park will have tripled in recent weeks. The cost of relocating the National Gallery already exceeds $ 70 billion, and where is the end? With so much money, everyone in Budapest, from babies to aggastyan, could receive a free coronavirus test, at least twice.

The essence of the government decree issued on Tuesday night, to which the mayor responded, is that after its entry into force, the capital cannot modify the city park construction regulations established in the decree, which stipulate, between other things, the range of buildings to be built in the park.


the maximum height of the overhang will be 25 meters and the minimum extension of the green zone will be 65 percent, of which the total value of the green zone will reach 61 percent.

According to László Baán, ministerial commissioner of the Liget Budapest project, the government decree published on Tuesday does not imply any change in the continuation of the investment, and maintains the current regulations in all aspects. He added that the amendment planned by the capital’s leadership would have eliminated the possibility of meaningful dialogue, but with the government decree issued on Tuesday, the possibilities for dialogue remained.

The process of modifying the current Municipal Park Building Regulations (VÉSZ) began more than half a year ago by the capital’s management. Although the issue of the renovation of the Municipal Park is not a purely capital matter but a national one, in the amendment process the capital’s leadership presented the planned amendments to the Metropolitan General Assembly in a way that eluded the Metropolitan Public Development Council. , and by no means took into account the views of the vast majority of the record number of some 2,000 civilian participants, more than 90 percent, who argued in favor of keeping the rules in place for years.

For the government to decide on the full implementation of the Liget Budapest project as a national matter declared as an investment of primary public interest by law, it is not a unilateral dictatorship of the capital’s leaders, but a created a decree on the cornerstones of the city park construction rules based on the provisions of the current city park construction regulations. This regulation cannot be in conflict with any subsequent regulation at the capital level, said the ministerial commissioner.

László Baán emphasized that the government still maintains its unilateral commitment to


therefore, he expects and encourages an agreement based on professional arguments and facts, he said.

The minister emphasized that the EMERGENCY modification planned by the capital’s leadership would have abolished the construction works of the New National Gallery, the Hungarian House of Innovation and the City Park Theater, although the preparatory materials prepared by the capital indicate clearly the Liget project is complete. In the case of its implementation, which also includes three developments, the proportion of green areas in the Municipal Park will increase significantly from the current 60 to 65 percent. Furthermore, in the case of these buildings, the reference to the protection of green spaces is particularly incomprehensible: their implementation does not mean any loss of green space, since they have always been replaced by buildings for more than a hundred years, he noted.

László Baán recalled that all the elements of the Liget Budapest project delivered so far are extremely popular and demonstrate the validity of the objectives of the Liget project to more and more people every day; Since its delivery, hundreds of thousands of visitors have been greeted by the renovated portions of the park, the playground, the Millennium House and Rose Garden, the City Park Sports Center, the youth sports fields and the adventure park for dogs. .
