Index – Domestic – Ophthalmologists, psychiatrists and dentists care for critical patients in coronavirus wards


The Hungarian Medical Chamber wrote a letter to the Minister of the Interior Sándor Pintér, according to which

the medical community considers the vision and communication of the Orbán government defective.

In their letter, they refute the government’s announcement that the organization has been involved in drafting the law and implementing regulations.

According to the MOK

Real consultations are urgently needed. As far as we know, the regulation is not being drafted, but it is practically ready. The Hungarian Medical Chamber is asking the Minister to write the negotiation process by the end of this week, where we can make a substantial contribution to the amendment of the law and the elaboration of the regulations.

A further dramatic spread of the virus is expected.

The number of patients in the hospital and the ventilator is growing, and critically ill patients in the Covid wards are already being cared for by ophthalmologists, psychiatrists and dentists. Government action awaits

The lyrics sound. The MOK also previously described what it didn’t like about the new healthcare law.
