Index – Domestic – Okay, Orbán didn’t ease it, but what does that mean?


Strict measures must be maintained. The current curfew will remain in effect until January 11, 2021, between 8 pm and 5 am It will be decided on December 21 if Christmas Eve will be an exception Viktor Orbán announced on his Facebook page on Monday.

The country has been waiting for days for a decision on the holidays announced by the Prime Minister, as people want to know how to be with their families and loved ones in the middle of a pandemic, so the date of December 21 set by the Prime Minister.

On his community side, Orbán also played the last day of the year. As he said, New Year’s Eve parties and street dances cannot be performed because, in his words, you cannot take risks.

But what exactly is the exit restriction in force, what effect will the strict measures currently in place have on us if the Prime Minister does not relax? Not at all, when did the last restrictions go into effect?

We clarify the problem below:

Details of the restrictions that went into effect on Wednesday, November 11 at 0 a.m. to curb the spread of the coronavirus were published in the Hungarian Gazette on Tuesday, November 10. Importantly, these are the last restrictions that still apply, but you will know more when the latest issue of the Bulletin is published.

The Index has detailed the current ones in detail, let’s see the most important ones, in summary.

1. Private and family events can be held with a maximum of ten participants.

So we can have Christmas without relaxing, as long as we don’t exceed that number.

2. Under the restrictions, the curfew went into effect between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. There are exceptions to this, such as work, a health-threatening situation, a serious or life-threatening injury, or a safety purpose, or if we stay 500 meters from where we live, we can take the dog out. Unless the Prime Minister decides otherwise on December 21, we must also abide by these rules on Christmas Eve,

relatives, friends should come home by 8 pm after the gala dinner and gifts if they are not sleeping there.

3. It has become almost common for all people from the age of six to wear a mask that constantly covers the nose and mouth, for example, in public transport, in public areas with a population of more than 10,000 and in public places, except for sports activities and, or in green areas, in all rooms where public transport is expected, when shopping or working in a store, in shopping centers, except offices, sports facilities and commercial premises, in archives or for clients of the public administration standing area. The full list is also in his article on Index.

Four. Restaurants must close, not accept guests, and only those requesting takeaway from serving staff may be present in their area. Many people order the Christmas menu from restaurants, especially since the Orbán government involves taxi drivers and assumes the financial implications of this (there are also a number of exceptions here). This is not even hampered by restraint, if not relaxed. in turn

even more so to sit in our favorite place and have dinner with the family.

5. With the exception of pharmacies and gas stations, stores can be open until 7 pm and then at 5 am at the earliest when the curfew expires. Service providers and services that are not mentioned in the regulation (eg hairdresser, massage therapist, personal trainer) can normally operate under curfew rules.

6. Like the restaurant, due to current restrictions, we cannot have Christmas at the hotel, since they cannot accept tourists, only guests who have arrived for business, economic or educational reasons. It is forbidden to carry out any event,

including concerts, other cultural events, sporting events, private events, and Christmas fairs.

We celebrate the birth of Jesus

It is a tradition that one of the greatest celebrations of Christianity, the birth of Jesus, is celebrated by believers at the midnight mass of Christmas. Religious community ceremonies may be held at the discretion of the religious community. In this context, the government asked religious communities to define the rules of conduct in their ceremonies in accordance with the general rules.

Although it is up to the religious community to celebrate, but if the Prime Minister does not relax, there will certainly be no Mass for believers in the traditional way, with personal participation at midnight.

While the curfew and measures to prevent the spread of infection make it clear what and when to do it, the police apply justice in cases where people cannot abide by the rules through no fault of their own, we wrote above.

Now we are waiting for the new Hungarian Gazette and on December 21 what Viktor Orbán will announce.
