Index – Domestic – Life can be restarted in the field


In the countryside (that is, throughout the country, except in Budapest and Pest counties), life practically resumes from May 4. The government justified all of this with the fact that Budapest and Pest counties have the most active infections and most deaths.

According to the latest data, the coronavirus was identified in 1408 people in Budapest and 380 people in Pest County. Fejér County is also strongly affected by the epidemic, where authorities know about 296 cases, 108 infected people were registered in Zala, 110 in Komárom and 97 in Csongrád.

The details appeared in the Hungarian Bulletin on Thursday night (you can also find the main changes in detail here), but based on what was said in the Government Information on Thursday and the information of the Operational Personnel, it was possible to know in general terms what will happen after May 4th even if they stay open. issues.

As before, people living in the capital can only leave their homes after May 4 for good reason.

However, in the countryside, including heavily infected Fejér County, life can resume in May: Those country hotels, restaurants and cafes will be able to welcome guests again starting May 4, where guests can sit outside ( for example, on a terrace, garden area). consume on terraces.

Also, open-air museums and even zoos can open in the field; The latter also benefit from the fact that a large part of their income is reduced in the spring-summer months and have previously indicated that if they are closed for a long time, they will not survive the state and / or municipal without help (The nursery and zoo Budapest, on the other hand, continues to lose significant revenue, and if it does not receive state aid, the Metropolitan Municipality, as owner, will have to help it later.)

On the field, worship services and masses are also allowed, as well as professional and amateur mass sports, so you can play soccer outdoors, for example. The nightly ordinance revealed that closed-door sporting events, and this also applies to horse racing, can be held across the country starting Monday.

In addition, it will be possible to hold weddings and funerals in larger groups on the field, with the only condition that participants must keep a sufficient distance from each other. (It can also be buried with a coffin and cremation, there is no special regulation for this.)

The country is divided in two.

The fact that access restrictions are maintained in Budapest and lifted in the field also means in practice that, for example, a person residing in Budapest cannot, in principle, go to Székesfehérvár, the center of Fejér county , a highly infected county, just for coffee with a friend in Fehérvár. on the terrace of a bistro, since you can only leave your house for very good reasons.

On the other hand, a resident of Fehérvár can easily meet his friends on the terrace of a brasserie and have a drink. But the rural resident can no longer go to Budapest for a beer just for fun, as he won’t find a legally open place in the capital where he can sit on the terrace for a drink.

Life in the countryside is also expected to be looser because, while the curfew remains in Budapest, the violation of which can even be punished in practice, the more flexible rules are only formulated as a request in the countryside: the government asks those who live in the countryside using shops and public transport. wear a mask and stay away from other people, but whoever does not will probably not be penalized.


Municipalities can, for example, take traffic restriction measures in their own right. There may be a situation (for example, in settlements near natural waters) in which the municipality would close the roads that lead to it, thus protecting itself from tourists, but it will not be possible because it does not have enough people or volunteers for the task. An example of the latter is Venice, while those living in Tihany can hardly wait for life to start again and for tourists to arrive.

Otherwise, the territorial lifting of restrictions can create an interesting situation. If we just start with the regulations, then a Budapest family cannot visit Tihany, as family members can only leave their homes for good reason due to the curfew in the capital. However, a trip to the country does not count.

Certainly schools across the country will close in late May, but the government does not yet know if they will open in June or not, so they may decide in late May.

Flower shops can be open for an unlimited period of May 1-4 across the country, including Budapest, and you can stay and shop at these shops during all opening hours. This decision is also interesting because, while allowing people to buy flowers for Mother’s Day, Officer Cecília Müller drew attention at Thursday’s Operational Court briefing that mothers can also be greeted online.

There are so many summer festivals

Free parking will also be maintained throughout the country to ensure that people with cars do not use public transportation.

Event restrictions also apply across the country: Events cannot be held until August 15, nor events greater than 500 or less.

This was formulated by the government for legal reasons, because festivals don’t really care why they get lost, as we write more about this article. In any case, the decision also means that this year’s summer festival season will be missed.

In the field, universities can even open

The government also relaxed due to graduation. As of April 30, all activities that are a study obligation or an obligation arising from the completion of studies are considered a good reason: this is clear in the Hungarian Bulletin, but it is not yet known what will happen to other exams such as OKJ courses and exams.

Chancellors can open universities in the field, but colleges must remain closed.

It is unknown for how long the rules will be so flexible in the field, but decision-makers can infer that if the number of infections in the field increases, they could be adjusted again. However, according to the statements made so far, the government is not ruling out, in fact, it is preparing for massive diseases.

(Cover image: László Aradi / Index)
