Index – Domestic – Kásler: The National General Directorate of Hospitals is created


The directors of the hospitals were appointed by Miklós Kásler, Minister of Human Resources. The mandates of the heads of clinical centers, Budapest central hospitals and county hospitals will come into effect on January 1, 2021.

The minister emphasized that medical care will be reorganized in every detail, this will also affect the Ministry of Human Resources (Emmi), reads the announcement of the Ministry on the Emmi website. A National Hospital General Directorate will be established to help and hold county hospitals together and to implement political decisions, particularly on economic and financial issues.

System transformation in healthcare, hospital director apps were invalidated

Miklós Kásler said the county hospital directors need other skills to be able to meet the increased responsibilities.

Miklós Kásler emphasized that the transformation affects the entire Hungarian health system, but for this the four most important tasks must be solved, that is, the general patient care system must be established from primary care to regional hospitals, it must guarantee and reorganize the care of the five most serious public health groups. the Hungarian epidemiological system. As a fourth task, he highlighted the attention to people who are in a situation of social and healthy vulnerability.

According to the minister

They want to establish a legal, transparent and clear relationship in which the separation of public and private health care is essential,

as both are necessary, but in orderly condition.
