Index – Domestic – Karcag’s man had a hundred and fifty dogs and cut their vocal cords


A 31-year-old man from Karcag suspected of animal torture, who kept nearly 150 dogs in very poor condition, is alleged to have removed the vocal cords from most of the animals, the Jász-Nagykun County Police Department said. -Szolnok to the MTI. According to the announcement, the 148 dogs removed from the suspect went to animal shelters.

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An employee of the Karcag Police Headquarters crime department and the official veterinarian found 99 dogs in poor overcrowded conditions at a home in Karcag on Wednesday. Most of the dogs were voiceless because their vocal cords were presumably removed, which could cause permanent damage to health. An additional 49 dogs were found in the man’s residence, and some of the animals also had no voice.

The suspect admitted to committing the crime. He justified his deed by saying that he was involved in animal husbandry and did not want the neighbors to report him due to the barking of many dogs. Investigators also seized millions of florins in cash at the man’s residence. Proceedings were initiated against the man at Karcag Police Headquarters on a well-founded suspicion of animal torture.

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