Index – Domestic – János Slavik: No serious side effects were observed after administration of the vaccine.


After the administration of the coronavirus vaccine, no serious side effects were observed in Hungary, the chief infection doctor at South Pest Central Hospital told public media on Sunday night.

According to János Slavik, reactions to vaccination occur in much smaller numbers than in previous vaccines.

Transient muscle fever, numbness, and redness may occur, but no serious side effects have been reported.

He added that millions of people around the world have already been vaccinated with the vaccine and statistics show that one in 100,000 may develop a vaccination reaction that requires the intervention of doctors, but these are only temporary and vaccination centers are ready to do it.

For all these reasons, János Slavik described the vaccination against the coronavirus as free of side effects, safe and effective.

He mentioned that more than 95 percent of those vaccinated will not contract the virus a week after the second vaccination, but if they do, the course of the disease will certainly not be severe or tragic.

Regarding the fact that in addition to Pfizer / Biontech, Moderna’s vaccine is also arriving in Hungary, and AstraZeneca’s vaccine in Oxford is also available, he said: it is good that more and more vaccines are arriving in a country. AstraZeneca is different, but it is also completely safe and effective, he added.

The chief physician also spoke about his good experience with vaccinating healthcare workers, more and more people want to protect themselves from the infection and prevent it from being transmitted to other people.

He said that a third wave of the epidemic has emerged in many countries in Europe, vaccines are not being carried out there to prevent this. According to him, the third wave in Hungary can only be prevented with restrictions (the use of masks, curfews, school closings, disinfection), so as difficult as it is, they must be maintained and the rules must be followed.

When asked when to breathe, János Slavik said that people should think about their willingness to get vaccinated and that they can infect and infect their family members. That is why he said it was important that as many people as possible were vaccinated so that life could return to the old wheelhouse.

He suggested that those who work in the health and social sphere be vaccinated, but he also asked teachers and those responsible for the operation of the country to do so. He spoke specifically to young people to think that they too could be the “engine of the epidemic”.

A country can cope with a coronavirus epidemic if between 60 and 70 percent of the population is infected or vaccinated.

– He quoted the words of János Slavik from the MTI.
