Index – Domestic – János Slavik: More people will be hospitalized and in the intensive care unit


In the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic, the average age of those infected is steadily increasing, so more people are expected to be hospitalized and in the intensive care unit, the chief physician of the National Institute of Hematology told M1 on Saturday. and Infectious Diseases from South Pest Hospital.

János Slavik continued to call for the strict and regular use of masks, covering the nose and mouth at the same time, and for disinfection, which protects ourselves and the environment, as an essential element of protection. He drew attention to the fact that the use of masks is now mandatory in all outdoor events, including sports, where it is not possible to maintain a protection distance of one and a half meters.

He said that about the flu vaccine, if people at risk (children, young children, pregnant women and the elderly, the sick) get vaccinated against the flu, doctors are more likely to be able to differentiate between flu and coronavirus patients if they complain. .

For those with upper respiratory symptoms, it was recommended that you ask your GP for a home coronavirus test.

János Slavik also spoke about the importance of taking medications that generally have a stimulating effect on the immune system (vitamins C and D, zinc and selenium) and added that the daily intake of 2,000-3,000 units of vitamin D can help a lot to protect against the coronavirus.

He also noted that since children carry a higher proportion of asymptomatic viruses than adults, they should stay away from the elderly and sick relatives during recess.

The chief physician said it was difficult to predict the end of the epidemic, so the only thing we could do in the meantime was to advocate and then indicated: no one could say when the number of cases would start to decline.

He noted that all over Europe people are tired of constant restrictions and strict wearing of masks.

This needs to be combated and explained to last a while longer, as the vaccine is now at hand.

The express. According to his information, in the current situation, the Hungarian health system is ready to receive, treat and cure coronavirus patients.

János Szlávik reported that if studies on antiviral drugs available in Hungary, including favipiravir and remdesivir, are completed in two to three months, they will be able to provide accurate data on their effectiveness.

In conclusion, he said: Hungary is in the middle of the epidemic in Europe. He added that the

The number of cases is expected to increase even more, but if we all defend ourselves seriously and follow the rules, the situation will not be as serious as in many other European countries.
