Index – Domestic – Insipid, unforgivable, unacceptable – Mazsihisz also condemned Demeter Szilárd’s writing


It is unacceptable for all well-to-do citizens: in a statement issued on Saturday night, the Association of Hungarian Jewish Communities condemned the opinion written by Szilárd Demeter, director of the Petőfi Literary Museum, to Origo, who acts as a government spokesman.

According to Mazsihisz

To describe Europe as a gas chamber is in bad taste, and 75 years after Auschwitz is inexcusable for the head of a state institution. At Auschwitz, more than 430,000 of our compatriots were gassed. Anyone who relativizes this in the context of current political debate, even indirectly, is insensitive to the pains of 20th century Hungarian history and Hungarian Judaism. Calling Europe György Soros’s gas chamber is a textbook case of the relativization of the Holocaust, therefore, it is incompatible with the government’s zero tolerance for all forms of anti-Semitism. It is a grave irresponsibility of the director of the Petőfi Literary Museum to play with existing prejudices. According to Mazsihisz, Demeter Szilárd’s writing posted on the website is unacceptable to all wealthy citizens.

– the full text of the communication sounds.
