Index – Domestic – How did they have time for this?


The coronavirus law, which gives the government extraordinary and undefined authority, has caused great international outrage; the leaders of the countries of the European Union protested together; The European People’s Party once again raised the need to exclude Fidesz; The law was also covered extensively by the Western European and American press.

In response to criticism, government members, especially Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó, regularly responded negatively to how the fake news and global politicians have time to deal with a Hungarian law.

Now that we are facing a crisis in which hundreds of thousands of professionals are investigating what path there may be; We are facing a crisis in which thousands of people die every day in Europe, so thank God there is no war, and then there are people who suffer it. It does not occur to me that this is how it can be. If it consists of 25 hours a day for them, or 28 or 30, or how they do it

Said the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee.

Although pro-government politicians have also reiterated in recent weeks that it is not time for partisan political battles, and for them fighting the epidemic and protecting the economy are paramount, just as their critics and Fidesz have had time for non-political issues. related.

Without claiming integrity:

They took the hands of Christmas from the theaters

In late March, without any professional consultation, the Culture Law was amended in an exceptional procedure, according to which: if the state and the capital jointly maintain the theater, but the capital does not enter into financing, the theater will practically continue to be nominal capital because not only the director, but all the main employers will be Miklós Kásler personally. In December, after the protests that erupted over the Theater Law, the government was even more permissive.

Hundreds of millions for the operation of the stadium.

In late March, the Ministry of Human Resources (which also includes medical care) and the MÁV Haladás de Szombathely Sports Association agreed that the state would support the operation of the stadium with 300 million HUF. Although the decision was made in mid-February, the epidemic situation did not suspend the payment of the support.

The 300 million paid for the operation of the stadium are also spicy because the government later decided that the IX led by the opposition. The 400 million HUF allocated for the renovation of the district’s community house will be reallocated to the epidemic protection fund.

In addition to Ferencváros, the government also deducts more than 1.1 billion forints from Józsefváros, which is also run by the opposition; The district would have spent this money on the development of day care centers, kindergartens, and rental housing, but is now going to the epidemiological fund. Meanwhile, according to the collection, the government has spent nearly 10 billion HUF on sports, including investments, developments and tenders, since the emergency declaration, the amount increases by an average of 200 million HUF per day. .

Twenty thousand people as officials

During the emergency, Zsolt Semjén, who was particularly flirting with issues unrelated to the epidemic, introduced an amendment to the law, which would end the status of officials working in the cultural sphere. According to the government, he who works well has nothing to fear; Kossuth Prize-winning director János Kovács, on the other hand, believes that this law ruins everything.

Stocks and real estate for the patio de la luna.

Also on behalf of Deputy Prime Minister Semjén there is a bill to promote the Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC) with great fortune. The Tihany Foundation would be awarded a 10% stake in the shares of Mol and Richter Gedeon Nyrt (81.9 million and 18.6 million shares, respectively) and the two properties in Gellért Hill, Somlói út, used by the University, in exchange for, among other things: The foundation founded by András Tombor near Orbán and Habony will become a trust fund of public interest.

Once the properties have been assigned to the pro-government lunar courtyard, the proposal ties back to Zsolt Semjén, according to which the Mária Schmidt Foundation would receive two properties in Buda at no charge from the state.

They would exclude people from public works.

A package of government proposals in late April addresses the conditions under which people can access public works. He seems to be very stuck in regulating who should have what kind of living environment if he wants to get a public job, because although the Constitutional Court has already destroyed a pass on it before, now, at the time of the epidemic, it has withdrawn again.

Residential park of national economic interest.

The government has declared that the construction of a residential park in Budapest is in the national economic interest. Attila Balázs’ companies, which have won many government orders in recent years, work in the field. Balázs is one of the owners of Appennin Vagyonkezelő Holding Nyrt., The company was owned by István Tiborcz and Lőrinc Mészáros.

They could finally reject the convention on violence against women

For years, the government left a surface of attack by signing the Istanbul Convention on Violence against Women in 2014, but refused to ratify it. Amid the epidemic, when tens of thousands of people lost their jobs in Hungary in two months, it was important for ruling parties to push their decision to reject the convention in parliament in one day.

They would bring back the retail tax

A bill in late April would return the special retail tax. At first, it was only necessary to pay until the end of the emergency, and then it would be perpetuated with reference to environmental protection. According to the information so far, the package has been crafted in such a way that almost only foreign players have to pay directly.

They established a private company

In mid-April, soldiers, police and lawyers arrived at the facilities of Kartonpack Dobozipari Nyrt., And the head of the company was told that he could go home.

Referring to the epidemic, the government placed the listed company (with domestic and foreign investors) under state supervision, and then removed all of its executives. The business has long been a headache for the state, exploiting the coronavirus to solve it.

There was no factory in the city.

Using a method similar to the Cardboard Package, the government declared the Samsung factory in and around Göd as a special economic zone with a stroke of the pen. This eliminated the trade tax paid by Samsung to the opposition-led Göd; According to the decision, a third of the city budget was eliminated. The move could also be about preventing the city and the public from “stumbling” against future factory expansion.

Encrypting the railway investment of all time

The Budapest-Belgrade railway line will be the largest railway investment in Hungary, with a total value of 590 billion HUF. The state is 15 percent, the rest is provided by the Chinese. The Hungarian side of the project will be implemented by the Lőrinc Mészáros group of companies, and in one of the proposals in the Zsolt Semjén salad law, investment contracts would be encrypted for ten years, citing foreign economic and foreign policy interests.

More opaque public bodies

In early May, the government also decided that during the emergency, public agencies would have 45 days to release data of public interest instead of the previous 15 days. According to the regulation, all this was justified by the prevention, detection, detection and prevention of the spread of coronavirus diseases. Gergely Gulyás said in government information that there were people who began requesting large amounts of hospital data, but hospital workers do not have the energy to do so now, so they took this step.

The measure will significantly reduce the transparency of the state operation, although if at some point in the midst of a pandemic, transparency would be paramount.

Starring: Zsolt Semjén

A day after the vote on the much-disputed coronavirus law, Zsolt Semjén submitted a proposal for a monster salad law, which would not only dump the Mária Schmidt Foundation with valuable real estate in Buda and encrypt the contracts for the Budapest railway project -Belgrade.

  • abolish the ban on changing city parks;
  • send people from the ministry to theaters;
  • abolish the right not to change;
  • He would give 41 properties to the churches.

This Semjén salad contained a proposal that would have made all the decisions of the mayors during the emergency, in fact, would have taken the elected leaders of the settlements into custody. According to Direkt36, the idea altered the mood even on Fidesz’s front lines; The question arises: who had time to think like this at the end of March?

Join the opposition

Although the Fideszians often say that we are not living in a time of political-partisan battles, there is also a political-partisan intention behind government decisions in recent months. Cutting state party support in half is much more sensitive to opposition parties that are already much weaker in terms of resources than Fidesz, who is intertwined with the state; Hundreds of millions were withdrawn from opposition-led settlements, the mayor of Hódmezővásárhely spoke a few days ago that due to the withdrawals, municipal workers will no longer be able to receive payment in August.

(Cover image: The hymn will be sung by the deputies at the end of the formal session of Parliament on May 2, 2020. Photo: Zoltán Máthé / MTI)
