Index – Domestic – His elderly mother’s house was also destroyed by David Black


David Black’s Calvary is said to have been going on for years, and audiences joined the drama in early March after the singer announced on Facebook that his marriage was over. The story has continued ever since: it turned out that the former megastar had accumulated a huge debt, and that he could pay that, he beat his clients, with significant sums of money. A woman from Győr recently claimed that the singer was a member of a criminal organization.

According to Blikk, the situation has worsened and David’s childhood home has made poor decisions. The singer’s mother wanted to help, but in the end she had to say goodbye to her house, she was forced to rent.

You have been in this debt spiral for many years. You are constantly trying to earn money in more and more places to pay off your past debts and, of course, your interest. He hit his mother’s house, in which he himself grew up. What kind of person is that? The poor thing wanted to help him with what his house went to look for. With an old head, she now has to live in an apartment instead of the tidy house she has worked in all her life.

One of David’s victims told the newspaper. The news was also confirmed by a family member that the singer’s mother had to move into a panel apartment from her garden house.

Blikk also reported that the former Megastar is currently only on the phone with his ex-wife, including only his children, to whom he also wrote a letter of apology. As for the singer’s home, he approaches his mother and his half brother.
